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RIP Colin McRae

Couldn't belive it when i read the news on Kotaku this morning, for those of you who dont know he died in a Helicopter crash he was with 3 other people one of them is thought to be his 5 year old son.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends, pleasebare in mind it isnt confirmed that his son is dead but i pray for his safe return.

Bye Work Hello Heavenly Sword.

Just worked my last day as a Broadband technical support advisor :D Soon to move onto my new job in a bank.

Feels great to finally be rid of the place :P Pretty sad to say bye to all my friends from there though but we are going to go for a drink at some point.

Just got heavenly sword today aswell traded Bioshock metal tin version in for it only had to pay £2 :D

Last Day of work :D

Well tomorrow I finish working in my current job, been here for about a year can't say im going to miss the place.

The pay kinda sucks (£11,400 PA) the hours are god awful (10am till 2pm then 5pm till 9pm Monday to Friday) and the work environment is pretty pathetic its really hot or really cold never in between and the PC's are slow as hell (bearing in mind im used to playing on high spec gaming PC's) takes about 5 minutes to load up IE.

Starting my new job on the 24th of September as a Cashier for Barclays bank will be on about £13,000 PA, alot of benefits and 9 to 5pm working times, really looking forward to it.

More than anything though i have a week off before i start and Heavenly sword is out tomorrow so i kinda know where my time will be spent in that time ^_^

Anyway feel free to comment or ask questions if you wanna know more :P

Warhawk Review.

After about a week with this game I think its about time i reviewed it, The reason im leaving it so late is a combination of things mainly the server issue which i'll discuss first.


Well initially I bought the game on release in EU region (well a day after didnt get paid till the friday :P) pretty much played it to death for the first day ranking was going fine (i thought) Found joining servers a little frustrating and this is where my first issue with Warhawk lies.

Joining a game on a standard online game like this is usually about a 2 minute task with Warhawk its a little different, first and foremost you want to play on a ranked server obviously to progress through the ranks and get new skins, there are a fair few of SCEE and SCEA servers but normally these are maxed out or close to it 30/32, 31/32 is a common sight this is where the problem is you join said game and after about a 2 minute wait it says 'Game full' so you try a different server and the same again. Now this ordeal can go on for something like half an hour until you finally get in a game.

When you do get in that game you'll get idiots who will stand on your mines or run near an enemy tank while you fire a rocket at it, so you get a TK, not a serious point deduction here pretty easy to get those points back, the problem is when alot of people do these stupid things and you get kicked forcing you to spend another 30 minutes searching for a server and losing all the points you got in that round.

My final issue is the ranking, im sure if you guys have played this game or talked to someone playing this game you will of heard of this problem, its been the bane of my life for a while now we had this issue with Resistance, Insomniac were pretty quick to address the issue and kept us posted, i had to search for about 2 hours to find anything valid from a Warhawk developer on this problem, then it turns out the issue was just fixed and i have to delete the game save and reload, no where on the news does it suggest this so i can guaruntee there will be annoyed casual gamers out there. I also didnt get the points i earned before im now a wingman with enough actual points to be a Chief Seargent so i have to earn upto wingman then upto wingleader before i get another rank, which is a bit annoying.

Rant over... If you noticed my problems with this game all lie with the server the rest of the game is another story.


Apart from the above problems this game is fantastic, you would assume that a game solely built around multi player that has only 5 maps would get boring really quickly its just not the case here, each map can be made bigger or smaller in certain modes you will play certain select parts of the map such as Destroyed city when you play CTF you play on the towers in the middle or on the ground surrounding them, this adds alot of debth to the gameplay, the ability to take either ground assault or air assault is also a great addition.

With games in the same genre namely battlefield you had the same options available you could fly or your could attack, but it was limited often you had 2 jets flying around and a few carriers that was about it, with Warhawk you have dogfights over head everywhere your forced to watch both the ground and the sky and an attack could come from anywhere, this adds so much to the experience your constantly on your toes at all times even when your stood idle.

The graphics are great aswell impressive draw distances allow you to see for literally miles again differing from Battlefield where war fog was added partially to ease the strain on people without the best of the best PC's but also to restrict snipers and the like. On WH you can see turrets moving in the distances warhawks taking off and tanks moving from A to B allowing you to plan ahead much like you would do in a real war.

The game modes are pretty unimaginative your typical setup Death match, capture the flag, zones etc. But i guess thats a good thing although an imaginative game mode would of been nice although i cant think of anything ^_^
There arent that many weapons but the ones they have are great, some are a tad annoying namely the Tow missile, you could be defending and get nuked by it from anywhere without even seeing the guy who killed you, gets on your nerves after you have been collecting equipment. The binoculars i think are everyones favourite really devastating nastiness gotta love it :D.


Fantastic game few things need to be changed (mainly server side) some new content would be nice although we know this is coming mabye an additional game mode, the first true PS3 game to come out great start hoping for more good work Incognito.
I'll give this game a 8.5/10.

Bioshock Impressions

Good game i guess, i'm a fan of fps always have always will be, was expecting alot out of this game, im not talking about graphics, the graphics were hotter than jessica alba sat on my face, im talking about the gameplay, now for something that was hyped to be "not your typical corridor fps" i was sadly sadly disappointed with how linear this game actually is, the exploration of zones for new weapons and upgrades has been done before, inevitably you have a starting point and a goal the exploration doesnt count against being none linear.

The AI i thought was good in places terrible in others, for example "i haz a wrench!!111" and then run at someone is not 'clever AI' its easy to deal with these guys the only challenge being the numbers of them and lack of health (which isnt even a problem later in the game)

The "survival horror" aspect of the game was none existant i was a little scared at first with the submarine and the splicer outside with no weapons to help me, wasnt bothered after that.

You get unstoppable later in the game, big daddies can be killed with a wrench (i expected these guys to be hard as nails from the initial trailer and hype)

Ok so im not bashing this game im not saying it didnt deliver granted it didnt deliver all i want but its still not a bad game, just not worth GOTY or 10/10

I'd probably settle like this.

9/10 Graphics - Very nice throughout nice power effects nothing to spectacular though, the draw distance is restricted due to the walls in the area so everything is dark with no real focal points.

9/10 Sound - Nice sound stand still and you can hear the whales and creaking etc etc quiet nice (Annoying as hell music)

8.5/10 Gameplay - Its good well structured but nothing spectular.

Overall - 9/10

So its still worth a buy and a play its not a bad game its just a bit meh.

Xbox 360.

Finally got round to buying one, wasn't really expecting to do it for a long time but i got offered one for £150 from a guy in work couldn't really refuse it, Just in time for BioshockI might add [Will blog my impressions later this week when i get a better hands on of it]

First impression was pretty good i hadn't seen it in HD before makes alot of difference, kinda looks a bit silly sat next to my baby (PS3) and my HDTV since they are both black i hope to sort this out later on (decalgirl.com again :P) It sure is loud though didnt realise this before i head about it being loud but :X had it on for an hour i got used to the sound, turned my PS3 on for a bit of motorstorm and stardust and thought it was broken didnt hear a thing :P

Anyway i now own all next gen consoles (wii isnt next gen) so shouldnt have the worry of not being able to play games due to exclusive issues, only really one game on the 360 i want which is bioshock im not really fussed about halo or mass effect but i might read up about them a bit more now i own one.

In addition:


Heavenly sword, Warhawk, then october with R&CTOD, Silent hill etc etc (getting my spaff cloth ready (and my balls when my gf rips em off for lack of attention given to her))

PSP Modding

Well I finally did it, took me long enough.

I'm now the proud owner of a 3.57-M33 Custom Firmware psp, am i happy with my decision to completely screw my warranty? in short:


Ok so to do it wasnt easy in the slightest well tell a lie it was, just time consuming im not going to go into details if you want to do it yourself head over to www.pspmod.com not running the risk of having my ass sued ^_^. Basically now i can do those things with the PSP that i would of expected it to do in the first place like emulate my favourite PSX games and SNES games, plus loads of other handy homebrew like GPS tracking and what not.

I mean sure you can also hack your games but you have to bare in mind that Sony is suffering from that and that means no more PS3 games = gay.

So thats the firmware sorted and the homebrew my next task was asthetics so i got myself a decal pack from www.decalgirl.com will post a few pics of it on my PSP when i get round to it (looks hot though).

Next step is to get the custom LED kit to really make this bad boy shine.

I never really realised how fun modding stuff is heh.

Anyway if ya want any advice tips/tricks gimme a message sure i can help out.

Heavenly Sword impressions.


This thing took along time to download i came in from my grilfriends around 11:00pm and started the download fell asleep after watching it for about 10 minutes woke up at 2 and installed, oh my god it looks like liquid sex.

First play through.

I sucked i actually died the first time i was just tapping square and triangle and got my ass handed to me. I was to busy looking at the draw distance and pretty lighting to pay much attention to the gameplay.

Second play through.

Beat it this time, very short but i loved it i learned a few more combos this time, figured out how to aerial attack (love doing that so pretty :P)

Repeated play throughs.

Each time i play this i discover something new in the second fight area i grabbed a guy and was swinging him like a ragdoll into anyone unfortunate enough to get near me, let go and went immediately into speed stance knocked a guy into the air and beat seven grades of solid waste out of him in the air then ball crunch landed him into the floor


I cant get enough of it, i mean i was suprised that there was no jumping i was under the impression it would be semi platforming but once i got used to it i loved it the sixaxis control is great flicking it up when you knock an enemy into the air to follow them, pure joy.


Graphics - Unbelivable 10/10 it looks spectacular, attention to detail is great even on the things in the distance.

Sound - 10/10 Voice acting and lip sync is perfect, played it in german and nearly laughed my ass right off.

Gameplay - 9/10 Caught me off guard to be honest i was expecting something a little different but i loved it, the counters, aerial attacks and instant kills coupled with the changing of stance, you could be tapping them away in speed stance then swing your sword with full strength into their noses priceless :P

All i can say is i cant wait for the real game roll on september.

Ninja Gaiden impressions.


Well I imported my copy of The Darkness and it arrived about the time i got Gaiden i was torn between the two as to which to play, so i thought hell will go with the darkness, a day later i was sat there with the Credits rolling infront of me thinking bah was that it. So i started Gaiden. Now i knew this game was hard but....


....Damn. I mean i found myself at my wits end on so many occasions i found myself killing things over and over to get potions for the next boss, using everything at my disposal just to keep normal trash at bay, its no holds barred hair tearing from start to finish.

Ok so i got the demo off the US store a few months back played it through got stuck on Very Hard difficulty thought hmm normal on the full game would be a cake walk, so i boot the game up and the first level loads up, first things first item menu go to put the lunar on to woop some ass, to find i have 1 sword 1 SWORD. Its the underpowered version of the worst sword in the demo i have little to no life no ninpo and the realisation of the games legendry difficulty hits me.

A few hours down the line im getting the hang of it, fairly straight forward im no where near pro constantly getting my ass handed to me when i run into a few guys. As with most games you suddenly go SNAP and you get into the flow and from then i was having fun.

Well that was until i hit the ice/fire dungeon where you have 3 consecutive bosses to fight barely any potions and once the enemies are gone they are gone no farming for more essense, i ended up putting the game down for 3 days after attempting to clear this place for about 6 hours. Didnt play it for about 4 days came back and aced it.

The Boring bit.

Ok so the graphics. i would say an easy 8.5 mabye more out of 10, they are stunning the lighting is top notch and the animations are immense, so why only 8.5? The water, i tried to look past it i really did but its just awful you look at it and you can see texture squares loading up as you move along and what looks like a chess board of water pieces when you look at a river, i know im being a bit harsh but this started to eat away at my eyes especially since theres a bit of emphasis on it in the game (ability to water run) fair enough if it was in the background.

Sound - Its ok nice music gets on your nerves a bit tends to repeat alot. so i guess 7/10

Gameplay - Easy 9 read above.

So if your looking for a PS3 game to tide your over till Lair or November then get this worth the money and will last you along time just make sure you take breaks and buy a wig for when you tear your hair out

Thoughts on the coming months

Well where to start.

Its been a tough few months ever since i picked up my PS3 from the local game shop on March 23rd its been a rollarcoaster ride, i mean dont get me wrong i love the PS3 but theres times where i feel its on the up and up and times where i think we are screwed.

Following E3 i saw some light at the end of the tunnel, 360's press conference was abysmal they showed they had nothing new to offer except multi plat's and some rebranded games (Halo 2.5) Nintendo's sucked baring the weird board thing innovative but i didnt really care for it, i had a hard enough time bringing myself to play on Guitar Hero without worrying about looking stupid never mind shaking my hips as i "worked out"

PS3 for me did everything i hoped and more KillZone2, heavenly sword little big planet etc etc the list goes on.

As such i cant wait for the next few months when the content really flies in i've almost had my fill of this gamer draught i found msyelf playing Spyro yesterday out of sheer boredom, i have completed the Darkness on normal and hard, ninja gaiden on normal and hard, resistance fall of man on hard and superhuman plus reached Supreme Commander im about at the end of my tether

HOPEFULLY Lair should put an end to that and i can start loving the console i sold my kidneys to buy.

Will keep those that care posted on how i get on :P