ehhhhhh the pistol in halo 1 is amazing, perfect dark for n64 the eagle was the **** I think in ninja gaiden the most useless crap is the shurikens that are unlimited. its only useful in killing bats and you could always take them out with a lunar staff -.-
DAMN i play like 2 hours max only on weekends and i rarely play for 2 hours and my brother put a timer on the xbox to lower it to 1.15 mins. i think thats good enough
YO BOTH OF YOU MUSLIM? MAKE A GROUP WITH MUSLIM GAMERS YOOO im a noob on gamespot so i dont know how to xD and i play games of all sorts even on live. cept that kind of doa games especially beach volleyball and that other one HARAM XD
i read about this deal its pretty good. i would get the gold version of alliance btw. i would proly get two xbox games and one 360 game used if they allow it. cause all the good games just came out and they're going to be expensive used anyways
in call of duty there are two hard ass achievements, the mile high club and the No Fighting in the War Room or w/e. THOSE WRE FREAKING GAY i broke a controller because i got mad aggravated. my friend did mile high club for me though
fifa 08 has strong achievement pictures, like a goal with 50, like the quote a picture is worth a thousand words. Call of duty 4 and assassins have cool achievement pictures too
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