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Skyrim Trailer and Game Informer!

Her's a link to the trailer, and the official website: www.elderscrolls.com


You should have acted.
They're already here.
The Elder Scrolls told of their return.
Their defeat was merely delay
Til the time after Oblivion opened,
When the sons of Skyrim would spill their own blood.
But no-one wanted to believe.
Believe they even existed.
And when the truth finally dawns:
It dawns in fire.
There's one they fear.
In their tongue, he's Dovahkiin:
Dragon Born!

Speculative chanting lyrics:

For the King
For the King
For the sake of Skyrim
For our land
For our home
For Hrothgar's blood
For the Nords, for the Gods
For the sole single son
For our King
Who will dawn in fire

How epic? Plus the release date... 11/11/11. Could this mean something?

Skyrim is also to use a completely different, and new, engine. See the tweets here and here, from Nick Breckon, the Bethesda Community Manager.

And, in February, the Game Informer magazine will have a massive 12-page spread, all about Skyrim. It's only available in the US, but I'm sure someone will post screens :)

ESV: Skyrim!!!11


10 days late, yeah I know. But seriously, ELDER SCROLLS V!!!

Up until the release date, all information available about Skyrim will be collected HERE!!


I now have Oblivion and all the EPs and DLC!! It only cost ÂŁ20 for the lot, thanks to Steam, and I got to download it straight away! If only Oblivion had multi-player :(

It would be so awesome!!

My main character is a Bosmer, Gwinas. He is a ranger and lives in the forest, and has some cool enchanted gear, most notably Boot's of the Crusader, which stops woodland creatures from attacking him! I also have a second character, Istrius Ashart, a Dunmer Necromancer. He's kinda mean. I like roleplaying, so I use cheats a lot to geat my characters into the scenarios I want them to be in, so to get Gwinas' boots and stuff, I had to go to the testing hall, put him in the Mages' Guild, and all that crap. But it is worth it, because Oblivion is such a cool game with some beautiful scenery.

When I first got Oblivion (for 360), the first thing I did was go to Harm's Folly... Kill Corrick Northwode.... Steal his dead wife's amulet... Take his house... Take his clothes... Yeah. LOL.

I've never bothered with the Main Quest. It's all a bit 'lol im da emperor go save the world -dies-'. And what's with paying Patrick Stewart millyons to voice 5 minutes of dialouge, and have most other NPCs bland and retarded...??


Tests, tests, tests. Everyone hates them. I was away because my parents forced me to revise non-stop. But anyway, it's the summer break so I'm free... lying in bed until 1 o'clock, gathering the strength to get out of bed, check Facebook, Gamespot, Youtube, GMail and College Humor before I play Oblivion while reading Fellowship of the Ring and drinking energy drinks. But howdy-doo, that's the life. Oblivion is currently my new favourite game, but I have some reviews to write.

Some of you may know, I used to play WOW. I cancelled my account rather spontaneously... Biggest mistake of MY LIFE! Thankfully, my parents let me get it again. I started to play (again) a month ago, and I have a level 78 Blood Elf Warlock on Eonar. I am so clsoe to level 80, and then when I get Cataclysm... 5 more levels! I need to get to 80 before then, so I can get some raiding achievements and whatnot. I am really, really excited about it. The main reason I went back was because, leaving so abruptly, I left behind some really good friends with no way of contacting them. My account still existed, I just cancelled the payments, so I could have always picked up where I left off on my level 40 Blood Elf Hunter (embarrassing... x_x). I basicallywent on that, found the emails and MSNs of my two best friends, and told them my new character's name. After much powerlevelling and farming, I managed to get up to their level (close enough lol).


My Games

Hello! I recently updated My Games list. I have a fairly small collection, but some of the games are pretty good. Anyway, I have gone over all my reviews, updating them and correcting grammatical and spelling errors. I have two games to review, Sims 3 and Pokemon HG. Oh yah, here are those shoes I promised;



Yes, it's true. I dissapeared for like, ever, but now I'm back! With more reviews, news, and... (what else rhymes with reviews??!) Um... shoes?

Whatever. I think I should clear up some stuff first. My name is Carly, I have a PC, Xbox 360, DS, and Wii. I live in England and like Simulation, RPG and Arcade games. I have a Youtube channel, and a deviantART. If you wanna add me, feel free. I like Anime, DeathNote, Naruto, Video Games, and I play Badminton and Basketball. ;)



Sorry I havn't been posting in a while. Been busy with my other blog, school, and general stuff. Oh yeah an-



You better do what he says...

12 Reasons to vote LINK!

1. He is awesome.

2. HE WEARS A GREEN DRESS OMG!!! No it's a tunic, and it's awesome.

3. He is so cute/handsome (depends what game your thinking of)




7. He makes awesome poses!

8. Hyah!

9. He saved Zelda a million billion times!!

10. He has the Master Sword and he will pwn your butt if you don't vote



Look What You've DONE!

Hey guys. I really can't wait for Christmas. I always get money from everyone, so I can just buy whatever games I want.

Yesterday, I had a rather funny fangirl encounter. I was sitting in the Café, drawing on a piece of paper while drinking my hot chocolate (I hate tea and coffee), when this girl sitting behind me asks me what I'm drawing, and I tell her. I was just doodling a vampire (I'm not very good at drawing). She leans over to take a look, and says it's not a real vampire. I tell her it is, and she says, But why does it have fangs, and why is there a dead person in the background?" And then I see what side of the Twilight argument she's on. I suppose I had it coming, after what I said next... "Yeah, this is a real vampire, not some gay sparkly vegetarian freak!" Then she sits down, without saying anything. I think I'm ok, but when I am just out the door, she squirts me with ketchup... Lol. After that I just wipe it off my face, and carry on with what I'm doing. SEE STEPHANIE MEYER! LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!! *Shakes Fist*

Twilight and Michael Jackson

Hello, I'm Rallen6, or R6, as my (cyber)mates call me.I love RPG, simulation and smashy-bashygames.I have a Wii, Laptop, GameCube, Xbox 360, PS2 and SNES.I like to play games, write reviews, read comics and complain :) Anyway, onto stuff.


Well, if there's one thing that makes me more angry than anything else, it's Twilight. A horrible excuse for a book, and an over-rated movie with a greasy-haired loser who has apparently never taken a shower. The book is terribly written, and has basically no plot after Chapter 6. Bella is a mary-sue who is made out to be 'totally average', but her only weakness seems to be the fact she's a clutz. She is a magnet for danger, and even though she 'looks average', everyone likes her instantly. As for Edward, the sparkly abomination of a vampire, well... what can I say? He is a stalker, he admits to watching the ditz sleep! Vampires are NOT sparkly, they do NOT drink animal blood. They DO die in the sun, and they DO drink human blood. On the whole, none of the characters have any personality, and there is as much character development in the book as there is in an ice cream.

The plot is basically Boy meets Girl, lots of 'I love you, Edward' and 'I'm dangerous, stay away from me'. Girl tricks Werepuppy into telling Girl about the Sparkly Boy, then there is alot of 'I WANT SECKS!!!ONEONEELEVELN1111!'. Then, the book ends, thank god. But of course, the sex starved Twilightmoms and the good literature starved Twi-tards think this is absoloutley fascinating.

Now, people who like the book, and accept that other people don't and get on with their lives are fine. But then, there's the crazy fangirls. They think Edward is real, leave their boyfriend for someone 'more like Edward', hate Bella because she 'has Edward', stalk RPazz and attempt to KILL anyone who disrespects Smeyer or says that they don't likethe book. And I can't put up with that. The last time I met someone like that, I ended up having eggs thrown at my house. Not nice. And what does SMeyer think of the victims of what her stupid book has done to hoard of teenage girls? She doesn't care. Anyone who criticizes her book, apparently 'deserves it'. She can't be serious?

Michael Jackson

This might be a little late, but I really need to get this off my chest. SHUT UP ABOUT MICHAEL FRIKKIN' JACKSON. Ok, he's dead. Not nice when anyone dies, and I am very sorry for his family and wish them the best. But come on. how long now? More than a month. Please shutup. I don't care if they took out his brain, or if a childhood star who is now an unknown loser claims to be the kids' father. If I told the paper I was the kids' father, I would make a lot of money. And that's all people are doing. Someone has DIED, and people are taking in the money from books, memorabillia and limited edition crap with his face on it. Let him rest in peace! But it seems the media can't do that. I watched the memorial thing on TV, and just what were they thinking?I would certainly not like people to make such a fuss out of my funeral. The guy made great music, yes. But, even if he didn't do anything to those boys, he was still a wierd guy. How he thought he looked nice I don't know. There was nothing wrong with him in the first place, so he went and ruined his face with ten tonne of plastic. If they melted his body you could probably make 100 milk bottles! That's a bit mean... But still, all the attention his death is getting from the media is stupid. Ridiculous. I personally DON'T CARE anymore. After all, he was only a father to his kids. So leave them alone, and stop telling them that he wan't their daddy, because he was.