Hello, I'm Rallen6, or R6, as my (cyber)mates call me.I love RPG, simulation and smashy-bashygames.I have a Wii, Laptop, GameCube, Xbox 360, PS2 and SNES.I like to play games, write reviews, read comics and complain :) Anyway, onto stuff.
Well, if there's one thing that makes me more angry than anything else, it's Twilight. A horrible excuse for a book, and an over-rated movie with a greasy-haired loser who has apparently never taken a shower. The book is terribly written, and has basically no plot after Chapter 6. Bella is a mary-sue who is made out to be 'totally average', but her only weakness seems to be the fact she's a clutz. She is a magnet for danger, and even though she 'looks average', everyone likes her instantly. As for Edward, the sparkly abomination of a vampire, well... what can I say? He is a stalker, he admits to watching the ditz sleep! Vampires are NOT sparkly, they do NOT drink animal blood. They DO die in the sun, and they DO drink human blood. On the whole, none of the characters have any personality, and there is as much character development in the book as there is in an ice cream.
The plot is basically Boy meets Girl, lots of 'I love you, Edward' and 'I'm dangerous, stay away from me'. Girl tricks Werepuppy into telling Girl about the Sparkly Boy, then there is alot of 'I WANT SECKS!!!ONEONEELEVELN1111!'. Then, the book ends, thank god. But of course, the sex starved Twilightmoms and the good literature starved Twi-tards think this is absoloutley fascinating.
Now, people who like the book, and accept that other people don't and get on with their lives are fine. But then, there's the crazy fangirls. They think Edward is real, leave their boyfriend for someone 'more like Edward', hate Bella because she 'has Edward', stalk RPazz and attempt to KILL anyone who disrespects Smeyer or says that they don't likethe book. And I can't put up with that. The last time I met someone like that, I ended up having eggs thrown at my house. Not nice. And what does SMeyer think of the victims of what her stupid book has done to hoard of teenage girls? She doesn't care. Anyone who criticizes her book, apparently 'deserves it'. She can't be serious?
Michael Jackson
This might be a little late, but I really need to get this off my chest. SHUT UP ABOUT MICHAEL FRIKKIN' JACKSON. Ok, he's dead. Not nice when anyone dies, and I am very sorry for his family and wish them the best. But come on. how long now? More than a month. Please shutup. I don't care if they took out his brain, or if a childhood star who is now an unknown loser claims to be the kids' father. If I told the paper I was the kids' father, I would make a lot of money. And that's all people are doing. Someone has DIED, and people are taking in the money from books, memorabillia and limited edition crap with his face on it. Let him rest in peace! But it seems the media can't do that. I watched the memorial thing on TV, and just what were they thinking?I would certainly not like people to make such a fuss out of my funeral. The guy made great music, yes. But, even if he didn't do anything to those boys, he was still a wierd guy. How he thought he looked nice I don't know. There was nothing wrong with him in the first place, so he went and ruined his face with ten tonne of plastic. If they melted his body you could probably make 100 milk bottles! That's a bit mean... But still, all the attention his death is getting from the media is stupid. Ridiculous. I personally DON'T CARE anymore. After all, he was only a father to his kids. So leave them alone, and stop telling them that he wan't their daddy, because he was.
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