Just watched the new Fantastic Four movie and kinda have mixed feelings about it.
It had some good action scenes,but not too many,but the biggest bummer was that the Galactus character which is the giant force that eats planets and is in the shape of giant robot,was turned into a damn cloud...that's all I have to say about that,except that they ruined Galactus!
The Silver Surfer/Human Torch chase scene was cool and it has the top vote from me for best action sequence,but other than that this movie really didn't help The Fantastic Four franchise they were hoping to build,it pretty much made it worse,the 1st movie was ok and had a good feel to it,but the sequel,well the Silver Surfer was the best character in the film and also had the best scenes and thats not saying much as he wasn't in the film as much as hoped.Doom's return was short and sweet,nuff said!
It only ran just barely and hour and a half and that was surprising as I thought they would have made a better effort to make this film bigger and longer seeing that the Silver Surfer was in it and he would add to the scenes as well as Doom,but it wasn't to be as it was just not long enough to be a good super hero movie,the humor was great in the film,but it is supposed to be a action film and not a comedy,so they could have added more action to equal the humor.
This film was not what I was expecting and could and should have been bigger and way better!
SCALE OF 1 - 10 : 7