Following the recent decline of gaming magazines thanks to the internet and the shows like ginx on bravo that are always 8 weeks behind, do we think it would work? The air of nostalgia surrounding the show is unbelievable. i honestly think that the uk's gaming legacy will alawys fall right back to an image of one Sir Patrick Moore with a giant head! When everyone mentions gaming and the UK it will be brought up somewhere. I believe that with the demographic shift in games an adult themed show would be a winner. pretty much think of gameswipe with charlie brooker and i'd watch it every week and shamelessly buy all the merch!
Rammstein_1986 Blog
console RTS
by Rammstein_1986 on Comments
I love console RTS. PC is ok but give me a pad and a copy of command and conquer and i'm there! I never understand what kind of issues people have with consoles. Their getting easier and easier with each generation. I still remember playing Red Alert on the PS1 for ages i loved the game and i thought the controls were easy as pie. I think that if more people just played the game rather than complainig or pining for a mouse then we might get a few more decent RTS rather than the god awful STORMRISE!
Mega Man 9
by Rammstein_1986 on Comments
Why can i only beat Galaxy Man? I've tried so hard for so long and i only beat Galaxy Man. The only other boss i could get to was Splash Woman but kept dying when i got to her. It's so frustrating to think i'm actually that bad at games that after countless hours of attempts i still can't beat a total of 2 bosses. Oh well i guess MM10 is on hold until i beat at least one more boss!
Bad Company 2 Launch
by Rammstein_1986 on Comments
I was looking forward to this game. I enjoyed the odd dabble on BF:BC and my favourite part was the respect you got. I am a terrible Xbox live gamer i'm a support gunner at best always have been. On battlefield that didn't matter i'd never get ridiculed by kids 10 years my junior there was a certain respect, like an unwritten rule, that was always in play. Now, however, as i witnessed the droves of people buying the game irealised in horror what this was the modern warfare crowd! I'm useless at modern warfare aswell and my god do they let you know just how god awful you are! The only game i was fairly good at was COD 3 and that was because i was a medic. So now i'd very much like to pick up BF:BC 2 but i don't think there is any way in hell i could play with those 12 year old idiots. I've been told how much i suck plenty of times and it starts to eat away at your confidence after a while. I guess one day i'll just have to suck it up like a man!
by Rammstein_1986 on Comments
I work in retail. Retail has been my trade since i left school. I'm a till monkey, but, after a few years i finally got to work in a store that at least stocks games. As i write this Battlefield Bad Company 2 will be released today. This should be joyous but for me its gonna be another day of moronic parents buying 6 year old timmy a game with a hell of a lot of profanity. I'm using this as an example and i know the whole "there are worse games out there" excuse, but, there shouldn't have to be excuses. Age ratings are there to stop kids seeing this crap. For the past 5 shifts at work i've had problems with kids no older than 10 they knock things over, swear, hurl abuse at customers and one even called me a c**t. That was a high point of my day i can tell you. The fact that at that age they even KNOW words like that distresses me enough let alone scream them around a store in Cardiff! Well I better head to work now lets hope they put me to work out the back so i don't have to serve these idiots with games! Dave x
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