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Kinectimal- 30 minutes of **** around (In the future!!)

This 30 minute diary of the future is basically a log of what I, myself, me will do when I get my hands on Kinectamils (probably spelling that wrong), of course I will never buy it just try it out at someones house/ Bestbuy/ or other place were games lay around so lets begin. 00:01- The beginning Say thanks to the lord that I did not purchase this game and, waste money on it money that can be used to buy better games 00:02- Start the game No real surprise wave your hand, to start (probably) stand around while kinect struggles to differentiate between me, and the lamp next to me 05:00-Picking my test subject Here comes the part after kinect figures out that im not a lamp, couch, etc will (probably) let me choose a fuzzy cute, pet to love and adore for the next 25 minutes. 05:05-The Tiger I choose the tiger 07:00-Finaly Seven minutes ,and hopefully I've made it into the part were me and, my digital, pet are allowed to interact together, for the next little while I'll just be making sure that it works just like the little Asian girl at E3 demonstrated so kindly, so hopefully I don't have to wave my hands in the air for an hour, for the dam tiger to notice me, then do absolutely the opposite of what I was telling it to do 10:00-It works It works, (hopefully) the tiger responds to my actions 10:01-Time for the tests In the E3 demo the little Asian could pet her animal correction! "Kinectimal" and make it do tricks, how far can I physicaly interact with it? Lets find out 10:02-Cat goes flying For my first test I will obviously try to throw my "Kinectamil" hopefully I can. 15:30-Halfway point At this point my "Kinectimal" has either failed to launch or has become, a flying furry projectile which I have thrown as far as possible, trying to see if I could wipe that creepy smile of its face 15:31-Putting a spin on things Of course throwing is one thing but, grabbing the dam thing by the tail ,and spinning it over my head like a furry noisemaker would fall into a whole new category of FUN! ORIGINALITY! AND! ANIMAL ABUSE! 25:15-Joy of Joys Either by this point I'm on my knees crying because I couldn't do anything ,but kindly play with with my "Kinectimal" in the way the E rating on the front of the box intended, or I'm filled with JOY as the furry little firework is flying through the air faster and farther than ever, because I've mastered spinning it over my head and launching it across the digital background, of course the only thing left is to try to bare knuckle, the furry little bastard, and see if it can keep, it's little smile. 30:00-The Aftermath Two posobilities A. Jack **** the game does only what it wants you to do "Play kindly with your virtual "pet" B. PETA, is putting me on there hit list for "injuring" something that isn't alive 30:01-Retrospect of the future At this point im either regreting wasting my time, or considireng of buying it only for the novelty of saying, "I own a game were I can beat the **** out of a tiger cub, and laugh my ass off while doing it", but in the end this is just a tomogachi (Totally spelled that wrong) except much more expensive, and a gimick to attract suckers who actually purchase the Kinect