[QUOTE="kurama2002"][QUOTE="Random__Guy"][QUOTE="kurama2002"][QUOTE="Setsa"][QUOTE="kurama2002"][QUOTE="Setsa"][QUOTE="kurama2002"][QUOTE="Setsa"]ON the topic of racism, I just stole this link from another thread and thought it'd fir in here too. http://youtube.com/watch?v=vdJB-qkfUHc It's odd that you don't see or hear of these sorts of things from other minority groups that are looked down upon or that have been persecuted in the past... Edit: while I personaly don't support hilary, this guy is off his rocker...Film-Guy
what other minority group has been looked down on and persecuted in the past in america as bad as blacks?
Jews have been persecuted on a global scale to a much greater extent than Blacks. In society people should be treated equally, meaning that every race and gender should have the same rights and priviledges. Black people aren't the only ones that are "hated" on because of their race.But the Jews are in a better state than blacks. The majority of people in ghettos are blacks not Jews. Judaism (jew) is a religion there for a white man can be a Jew. Being black is skin color there for being black will always be a factor for a black person. Jews are stereotyped now days to be rich anyway, not stereotype to be gangsta, rude, a killer, robber, violent, lazy, poor. All I'm saying is that a Jewish man being white or whatever can hide the fact that he is Jewish so he wont be discriminated. I am black i cant hide the fact that im black. So i will face discrimination and i have and i will most likely.
Sorry to hear that people discriminate against you, but the fact is it happens with all races. I m Russian and I have a bit of an accent and others find that as a target for hate too mostly because of the way the media portrays Russians (usually as terrorists or villains of ssome sort). We're both targets, but what makes us different is the reason as to why we're discriminated against. A black person, if discriminated against can easily take it to court (being called the n-word) meanwhile people of other ethnic origin won't stand as good of a chance because their is lesser awareness and society doesn't concider it to be as bad (calling a Russian a dirty @$$ed barbarian or a red skin doesn't sound too hot in my eyes, but if I were to tell people about those things, they wouldn't react in as drastic a manner if I was Black and told them a white person just called me the n-word). What I'm trying to say is everyone can be a target of hate, and rather than deeming one group as a specific minority (likes blacks) and treating them differently, people need to look past what people are branded as and look at who the person actually is. It's not just for races either, the same thing goes for genders and sexual preference. Heck, I have a friend who is gay but he acts like a regular person rather than a girly-guy like the gay stereotype suggests. I guess society needs to grow up and stop showing prejudice because of race, gender, etc. and treat everyone equally.I agree! But the N word is the worse slur out of all! That's why its more easy to bring in court. Its worst than any slur that you can call any other race and has the worst, horrible history. That is a fact and can not be changed. But i don't get it when you said you disagree the government is giving free hand outs. YOu dont think poor people should get welfare?? Thats just gonna make them rob more people if they dont get money some how.
i dont think slavery wasent the worst sht to ever happen, so many countrys in the past have compltely just gonna and raped torrtured and kill every thing in sight, thats worse.looking at my ancestors **** they been though ****
Im talking about the n word. There is no other racial slur that is more worse or effective than the n word. But are you indian? Who are your ancestors?
if its so bad then why is it used so casually?
its a powerfull word anyway
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