@angrycreep: Microsoft included the 4K Blu-ray player in the Xbox One S available now, with its 500GB models starting at US$299. Odds are Scorpio will have it, unless Sony itself has just telegraphed that Blu-ray will be the final physical format for media.
@RicanV @RandyAU93 I like that response. Did you possibly see the "Ryse" graphic novels that Microsoft put on its site? It looked like it was trying really hard, and I liked it, but I'm not looking at it in the same way you probably would (as it's more in your genre, not as a level of like/dislike of the game it's promoting).
@RicanV @RandyAU93 @meatz666 @NathanRav @GLOK1132 Oh it is? So when you played it, tell me what your favorite parts of it were, and what you didn't like about it. Again, this must be from your own personal play experience, not parroting talking points from a review, be it one that is positive or negative.
@meatz666 @RandyAU93 @NathanRav @GLOK1132 So, would you care to engage in the discussion or are you more interested in trading insults? I'm good with either.
@meatz666 @RandyAU93 @NathanRav @GLOK1132 If that's your best response to a discussion, perhaps you should just sit at the kids' table and watch how the adults talk. You'll grow up and be there soon :)
@NathanRav @RandyAU93 @meatz666 @GLOK1132 Lots of people get stuff given to them for whatever reason, so it's hardly a new concept. And what's the difference between saying you'll enjoy something versus hurling expletives at it?
I grew out of fanboy-ism a long time ago, and I trust you will, as well.
@NathanRav @RandyAU93 @meatz666 @GLOK1132 You're free to believe whatever you want. You have no more or less proof that I am telling the truth than I have that you are. Considering the number of ways one can receive something without paying for it (as a gift, a prize, etc.), my statement is at least plausible to the reasonable reader, even if said reader doesn't believe I'm being truthful.
Besides, in previous discussions I've actually offered to provide proof, but posters, more interested in generating funny comments they hope get picked up for an edition of Feedbackula than actually having a discussion, don't seem to want that, either.
RandyAU93's comments