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Ranemoraken Blog

Introduction: Part II

Well, It's been over a week since my last Blog. Might as well keep up to date. I've hinted last time at why someone might be interested in reading my work, and I figure I'll work towards that this time.

I have, however, been strongily debating at how much I should reveal in detail. I'd hate for some one to read my title and stick it to something else. That would bother me...forever. It isn't some impalpable dream of mine to become a successful author, it is a goal that I am deathly serious about. I will acheive this goal, or die (not a suicidal claim *rolls eyes*). I've spent years formulating and compiling adventures and if I were to blab on the internet and have it all stolen, it would shatter me.

This is, of course, paranoia because these blogs are dated and saved whilst only a handful of people in the world might read this. So in all, there is likely little harm in telling y'all about the primary project. It isn't that I need affirmation, it's simply to sound out the summary of my existence in preparation for publishing.

I have many adventure saga in the works. I have plotted and completed them all in notation, and this is quite advantageous. It allows me a great deal of leverage to plot out my stories without overlapping my characters and tales. It is my goal to make them excruciatingly unique, as I a not quite a master. Harry Potter is grand because it takes conventional stories and flushes them with great writing and life. I do not possess the savvy to take the mundane and reinvigorate them, so I do what many budding author's do: make a strange tale and then conform to popular conventionality. The first adventure series is named, "We Gods are Made" or WGAM for short.

The date is February, 2009. Sitting in my room, working on other projects at the time, I complain to by neighboring sister over the existence of a series known as "Charmed", destined to run repeats on TNT forever. As a professor of fantasy adventure (that's a metaphor, btw) I found this show intolerable in the later episodes. The adventures become increasingly throwaway and the plot is riddled with inconsistency. My sister comments that I probably couldn't do much better. So as a test, I adlib a story on the spot and eventually pull together the pieces that ended up being WGAM. It doesn't look anything like the Charmed Parody that I had created, but it is certainly better than the show in words alone. (I confess that the first season was satisfactory)

As this blog is getting a little hefty, I'll let the next part simmer until next time.

Next time: Putting Characters with Settings.

Introduction: Part I

Well - as I figure - it will take a long time to get famous at my current rate. Not that I wont be famous, at least marginally so, but that I don't feel like leaving my blog empty for months at a time. So as a result, I've decided to mark out my forward progression in these excessively self-centered pat-on-the-back blogs.

As I plan to make a living through entertainment - it is necessary that a good handful of people know my name.

And I do mean name, and not face as I intend to be an author. I'm a writer currently, as I'm not published which would then categorize me as an author (in my mind at least). So that is my goal - to get published.

Let's see; what might be interesting for a first blog? Well, why an author? Back in the day, I've always been involved in telling stories. I was eight, and I wanted to be an actor, or a director or a writer. How did I rationalize one over the other? If I became an actor or a director, I would have to work with other people and couldn't work by myself. A story requires no such intervention. I am the god of this realm and no other need make inquiry. So I began mastering this art at that very age on our family's old 286 pc computer.

I write predominately Fantasy with the mind of someone writing Science Fiction. I do so, because I don't like to make assumptions of what groups of people might do in our real world. However, why might you be interested in my world (Or rather worlds - I've created a few)? That's the challenge, and that is for another tale.

Although irrelevant to my fame...

I was hearing a lot of complaints about Nel's voice in the anime Bleach. So I made a little something for anyone who happens to enjoy such things. Reads like a manga.