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Introduction: Part I

Well - as I figure - it will take a long time to get famous at my current rate. Not that I wont be famous, at least marginally so, but that I don't feel like leaving my blog empty for months at a time. So as a result, I've decided to mark out my forward progression in these excessively self-centered pat-on-the-back blogs.

As I plan to make a living through entertainment - it is necessary that a good handful of people know my name.

And I do mean name, and not face as I intend to be an author. I'm a writer currently, as I'm not published which would then categorize me as an author (in my mind at least). So that is my goal - to get published.

Let's see; what might be interesting for a first blog? Well, why an author? Back in the day, I've always been involved in telling stories. I was eight, and I wanted to be an actor, or a director or a writer. How did I rationalize one over the other? If I became an actor or a director, I would have to work with other people and couldn't work by myself. A story requires no such intervention. I am the god of this realm and no other need make inquiry. So I began mastering this art at that very age on our family's old 286 pc computer.

I write predominately Fantasy with the mind of someone writing Science Fiction. I do so, because I don't like to make assumptions of what groups of people might do in our real world. However, why might you be interested in my world (Or rather worlds - I've created a few)? That's the challenge, and that is for another tale.