There was only one game in my mind that stood above all others in 2011(I haven't played Skyrim yet) and left me with a total of 50 hours of gameplay. I looked foward to every weekend so I could sit down and continue playing this game and it never wore thin on me. After about an hour of playing the game, I went and downloaded the entire soundtrack for it. After playing the terrible Final Fantasy XIII, I felt a void had been put in my heart that no other JRPG could fix but I was wrong. Xenoblade had come.
Xenoblade was the game that I have been waiting for. A perfect JRPG that felt fresh and I could happily play for 5 hours a day without getting bored. The story felt fresh and the musical score would blow you away. This is the Final Fantasy VII of this generation and I would highly recommend anyone with a love for RPGs to play this game.