Rangor64 / Member

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10 Days since I left the Royal Norwegian Airdefence

So I finally left Bodin and I have finally been given back my freedom, finally I can play games whenever I want! Sadly though I started to work ca. 2 days after I left the service and delivering ice cream in the summer is just plain crazy here in norway, lots of hours and lots of money but less time to sit down and enjoy my two latest DS titles : Kirby Canvas Curse and Daigasso. I have played them both and I really like them to, I hope to complete Kirby during this week and to understand more of Daigasso even though I already enjoy it when I manage to make music that sounds good :) . I`m currently planning my next PC purchase wich will allow me to finally play Half Life 2 for all it`s worth. If Day of Defeat Source comes soon I will probably be in gaming nirvana.