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My opinion on Saints Row IV

My opinion is up and down about the recent Saints game. I love that they included more for you to do, but the direction of the game changed completely from what it originally started as. The whole "fighting gangs for territory thing." With the release of "The Third", that was beginning of the different approach with this marketing, movie star stuff and bigger business takedowns, etc. The whole alien invasion just completely threw me off. Having the fourth edition being focused on the character being swallowed into an alien simulated environment and having super powers was the over turn for the game. At this point it is far drawn from it's original concept. There are things I like and some things I dislike. The customization is a plus. Though, similar to the Third, it is in fact better than 1 & 2. With superpower abilities, who needs a car? Which takes away from the fun of enjoying the nice cars and customizing them. I personally enjoyed car customization. I mean, granted , the options is still there and available, so that isn't even that big of an issue. Just something I wanted to state.

There are too many side missions in my opinion. I feel like they crammed so much into this edition that it's overwhelming. It was cool with a few extra missions you had to do on the side, the activities provided enough time to side track you too (i.e. Prof GENKI game). Even the collectibles were time consuming. Now it's just so many collectibles and side quests I'm not sure where to begin. At one point I think I had one main mission and 7 side quests pending with the headache of collecting those dang clusters to keep up with the power upgrades and such. They just packed so much in this one game at once. I understand the company trying to give us more to enjoy and something different. But I like the concept more so with 1 and 2. Not sure if they were trying to stir off the direction of being criticized for being similar to Grand Theft Auto, etc, but that was the idea that drew me in from the beginning.

Overall, i just think it's too Hollywood. Instead of the focal being to build the 3rd St Saints and earning respect through rivalry and street crimes, we now got people of power fighting an alien invasion. What part of the gang life is that? Lol. I could care less about fighting aliens. Give me the Sons of Samedi, Ronin, Brotherhood, and the hippie Shaundi in Stillwater back. But i'm not entirely displeased with the game. Don't get me wrong. It is a good game. Just a lot to do and not the approach I really care for.

FF XIII (My Little Review) **Spoiler May Be Included**

Well I've found time to really get into the game. i've had it since release date but haven't really put much time into it. But now that I have, i can honestly say that I enjoy playing. Tho this game takes me for a loop and all the sudden back and forth between stories. The turn battle style is much improved, I far more enjoy the battling on here than I did when i was playin FF XII. A LOT. Some of the stories kind of confuse me at first and some just dnt have a purpose to me yet. This Hope is someone I still dnt completely understand his purpose other than the fact he hates Snow for what happen to his mother. -.- I didn't see a purpose for Vanille either but that was until later in the game once Fang explain some things. Lightning was just down right bitter for no reason, but after hanging with Hope, she became a softy. :P Yea i said it. Snow, I've had to say he's quite persistent especially with his whole reason of this being about Serah, which is Lightning's purpose as well. And who else? Sazh, the guy I called a punk since the beginnin of the game. I'd have to say he's one of the weaker people in this game to me. In my opinion. Since the beginning he's done nothing but complain at first and was always crying and even got punked around by Lightning. WEAK. smh. But I now see his reason for being apart of this thing. But his Chocobo rules!!!! And there's Fang. I like Fang, she's quite the bad ass if you ask me. Not afraid and head-on about alot of stuff. She knows what she's gettin into and come prepares. (My kind of character.). Well, this sums up what I think of the game so far. I'm on chapter 8, Disc 2!!! 5 more chapters and a Disc to go.! So we'll see what happens. :)

Geez...long time....no see

I can't even began to remember the last time I logged on Gamespot for anything. It's been a minute. *Miss Me?* lmao

I'd expect not. But anyways I'm back. With a 360 and a PS3, so let the gaming began! Any body on 360 that would love to add me...feel free...

360 Gamer Tag : Divine Chaos12

For now i won't be giving away my ps3 name just yet, until i built my collection. In the meantime. hit me up!

Got My 360

After all this time...(i feel so late btw) i finally got me a Xbox 360. I was suppose to have been got it but i dnt really know wat happen'd. but now i have it in my hands..any game suggestions?

Happy New Years 2 Everyone!!

hope everyone is having a happy new year and hopefully, if your past year wasn't so great, it up to you to make a change and do what's right for you. Make this year a Happy Year for YOU!!

Finally got my copy......

the day after christmas i finally got my copy of Twilight Princess. it took me a long time to find it for the gamecube version because it was sold out almost everywhere i went...I finally have it and i love it.!

Right Around the Corner......

i can't wait til Christmas.....just 3 days away. I know i get most of what  i ask for and i have a good feeling i did because it's so much stuff under the tree with my name on it...oh and i'm hoping to get a PSP, so any game ideas???

Kingdom Hearts I and II

I beleive this game has became my favorite game right now. I love the first one and loving even more of the second one. I hope they continue this game like Final Fantasy since the creator of the game are the one who make it. But for now i'm all about Knigdom Hearts. I still looking to Twilight Princess though.