@davillain-: Oh no I agree! Comparatively to its predecessors, the stories I didnt care for. It didnt feel all that thought out and thrown together just to make another Gears. Certain stories were a bit much and unnecessary, like Cole's. But I def enjoyed online and some of the new features.
Rara08's forum posts
Judgement wasn't bad in my opinion. I actually had fun with it. But Im happy to see them continuing this franchise. One of the main reasons I own an Xbox now.
This was expected. They typically cut prices of consoles around holidays. I can't wait to get one however!
Idk about the ps3 version. But on xbox if you go to the phone. There's a quick save button that allows you to create a save file.
FF XIII on release date.
a kid on gow2 co-op kept shooting me instead of shooting locust , when we reached a place when we must be seperated he kept dying and dying and dying ! that was frustrating MAZ85
I've had that same experience, and even when I was playin online, i've had sorry teammates that would see me down on the ground and would run right pass me. So much for teammates huh?
Lightning is bad*** in terms of character at first, but softens up as the story goes along. Fang is just bad*** period. And she's possibly gay even for Vanille.Grandstream
I couldn't agree more. At first I thought Lightning was just pure evil at first then she starts gettin all soft midgame and so forth (I think Hope rubbed off on her, She didn't start gettin soft until them two start traveling alone). Fang, she just bad point blank. Idk about that gay part tho. o.0
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