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What will happen if you get cut from my friends list...(clarifying it)

I've been reading over the last few blogs comments like: "Oh I hope I haven't been cut"... actually these comments are starting to annoy me because some of you people just don't seem to get it what my profile preferences are.

My profile is set to "Friends Only". Meaning that if you're on my friends list that you can "enter" my profile. If you're not a friend of mine then you would get the following message if you're trying to enter my profile: "Sorry, Rasengan_X has set his/her profile to private".

Though that message is wrong, as it's to friends only. :| The thing is though that Admins and mods can view my profile anyway. So even if I had them as a friend and cut them it would make no difference. They can stalk me anyway. :P

I hope that clarifies things, if you're not on my friends list that will certainly make a difference for you!

I got into the whole blogging thing again, last week I've been posting a blog nearly every day, eh? I barely have to think about it and a :idea: appears above my head for a blog. :)

I'm gonna review GTA IV soon. Maybe next week, when I got my fall vacation. (break, i don't care what it's called) :roll: