Hi guys! I've bought a PS3 about a year ago. Now I'm planning to buy a PS3 move starter pack. I've read that some game are better with two motion controllers but I didn't find any kind of list about those games. So can please some tell me which games are better with two controllers? Because if they are games that aren't my type, then I don't waste my money for an other controller.
Rastafunrise's forum posts
OMG! Heavenly Sword pisses me off so much. The part when you need to control the cannonballs with the motion control. It is so frickin' hard. I was raging so much today like never before.
@locus-solus: Well there are some type of games that I don't like and play: racing games, sport games and there are only few strategy games that I like. Besides these, I have favorites in all other categories. I've completed both Infamous games (including the DLC), the fist three GoW + Chains of Olympus (I also have the Ascension and Ghost of Sparta, but I dont want to play all of them after each other, so they don't become boring). Red Dead Redemption and Okami HD are on the list. :) I've also played: Resistance 1-2, Uncharted 1-2, Journey, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, The Last of Us, GTA V.
@k--m--k: Well most of these you wrote are also for PC and I own them and completed them. That's why I'm looking for games that aren't for PC. But I will definitely check Final Fantasy and Tales of Xilia, especially because I have never played any JRPG before. I really like western RPGs and I'm curious about the JRPGs. :)
@yokofox33: Thanks. I will definitely check it out. :)
@locus-solus: I don't play only those game which have female protagonits, but I like to play with female protagontis. That's why I am so interested in console exclusive games with female protagonits because I just know only a few and I'm interested if there are more that I don't know about.
So.. I've bought a PS3 about 3 months ago. This is my first console since the NES. I am mainly a PC gamer. I really like good games with strong and interesting female protagonists. So can you recommend me good games for PS3 with female protagonits? I seek games that aren't for PC, because I play only that games on PS3 which aren't for the PC. I've already completed some of them like Heavy Rain, The Last of Us, Beyond Two Souls and heard about some others like Heavenly Sword and Bayonetta. So can you recommend me other games with female protagonits which aren't for PC and came for PS3?
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