Since the release of the 360, we've been exposed to (what I think) is the biggest and sharpest double edged sword of all gamers' lives.
I'm talking, of course, about Achievements (and trophies, but I'll stick to achievements since they came out first).
With the release of Achievements, gamers could finally back up their tales of accomplishments. Sure, some of the older games had something like that, such as a high score or unlocking everything would grant you a super weapon, but it was never quite like an Achievement today.
You say you beat Jenova Sephiroth at level 15! Pics or it didn't happen. Lies, it's not even possible!
All of this was probably heard at one point or another. When the 360 came out, you could beat Jenova Sephiroth at level 15 (hypothetically speaking) and prove it, because of the little icon that said "Achievement Unlocked - Get a Life (15G)"
But it wasn't just Achievements that we have to worry about, oh no. There's also a little point total associated with an Achievement. Obviously, the harder the task, the more points you're awarded. This introduced something else to us: Our "Gamer Score." Judging by the name, it seems as though our gaming manhood (our "g-peen" if you will) was represented by this number in our profile. The bigger the number, the bigger our g-peen.
The Achievement system seemed like a great idea. It added replayability to any and every game (including RPGs), and it sometimes forced you to play differently than you would, thus increasing your overall skill at a game as well. How could something so great be a double edged sword?
Well, with the Achievements, came the Great Gaming Schism, splitting gamers into 3 factions:
- The "Achievements are stupid" faction. Those that longed for the older days where they weren't bothered by playing a game over and over just so they could get 1000/1000.
- The "I don't care" faction. Those who honestly didn't care about getting 20 points for using a special move, nor did they care about getting 10,000 kills in ranked multiplayer.
- The "ZOMG ACHIEVEMENTS!" faction. Those that don't dare to put a game away until they see "1000/1000" on their profile. Downloadable content, you say? Time to pick it back up again!
And here we are today. Whatever faction you belong to, you must admit that achievements are a great idea, but unfortunately for me, I'm in the "ZOMG ACHIEVEMENTS" faction, hence the double-edged sword. Do I like Gears of War 1? Sure, but do I like it enough to play it enough for 10,000 kills, especially when there's Gears 2? I guess I'll have to...
Still, Achievements are pretty cool to get, you must admit (rhyme). It's nice doing something out of your way and getting recogntition for it, you know?
Because of this, I will continue to earn achievements, until the day I can achieve no more.
Talk about the purple elephant,