Okay, I'll say it right now. I have the most awesomest (hurray, English!) girlfriend in the entire world. Hands down.
I don't know about everyone else, but for my family (and hers, too, apparently), we give gifts instead of candy for Easter. It's nothing big, maybe some money and a cool book or two, but a gift is a gift. Well, this Easter, I had to drop off something at my girlfriend's house, and she was super excited because of an "awesome gift" I was going to get. I figured it was going to be something she baked (I LOVE her cupcakes), so I wasn't too excited.
So I arrive, walk in the door, and there in front of me is a little green basket with eggs and a plush bunny holding a baseball in my face. That was my Easter present. It is a pretty adorable rabbit, I will admit, and the basket was FULL of candy. But that wasn't the end, oh no. My girlfriend told me to dig for the super secret, and sure enough, at the bottom, underneath the candy and decorations, was a copy of Resident Evil 5 for the 360.
Holy. Crap. I was so excited, and definitely surprised, especially since I had only mentioned it once to her, and it hasn't been out tha tlong, so I figured it would still be sold out. But there it was, in my hands. And for the icing on the cake, she said that we would co-op it together. And we have been. It's been a blast. I've never had so much fun.
The only other co-op experience that compares was this one time in Fable II I was playing with this weird guy, and I zoomed in a torch. (Hey, it was an interesting torch, alright?)
Anyway, I've been reading news and blogs about Resident Evil 5, and I hear one major reocurring theme throughout most of them.
"Resident Evil 5 is racist."
Huh? What? That's one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. Not only that, but the only reason this theory came about is because Chris is white, and he's shooting black people.
- Never mind the fact that the game takes places in Africa, where the majority of the population is black.
- Never mind the fact that the people are trying to kill Chris, so he's just killing them first.
- Never mind the fact that Sheva is doing the exact same thing (though I guess it's okay, becuase she's black too? That's another stupid reason).
-And, my biggest reason of all....IT'S ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFORE.
Resident Evil 4 is considered, by many, to be the greatest video game of all time. However, what they seem to miss is the fact that a white guy (Leon) is sent to Spain and kills hundreds of Spainards. How come no one mentioned this? As a Hispanic myself, I was greatly offended when I had to kill a small village of my own people. I don't care that they were infected, it was still very racist for Leon to kill them. Heck, we were even stereotyped. Not all of us live in tiny villages and farms, you know!
See what I did there? I just called the greatest game ever racist. I think I'm the only one to do it, too, because no one else sees it. However, once blacks start getting killed, all of a sudden it's a big deal? What the bleep, do we Spanish people not count as a race?
But seriously, I loved Resident Evil 4, and I love Resident Evil 5. The fact that I'm killing black people really doesn't matter. It wouldn't matter if they were white, black, red, purple, yellow, brown, or anything in between. If they're coming at me with an axe, you better bet I'm gonna shoot them in the knee and suplex/uppercut them.
As for everyone who was "offended" by Resident Evil 5's "racism," I say get over yourself. Resident Evil 5 is not racist by any means. The way I see it, Capcom is just making rounds. First Spanish, now Africans...Resident Evil 6 will probably involve Asians or Indians. Who knows?
Anyway, I hope you all had a great Easter, and if you remember one thing about this blog, please remember this: Don't whine and complain about something when you applauded the very same thing 6 years ago.
That is all.
Proud of his heritage and loves his girlfriend,