Okay, bear with me here, as I explain the title of my latest rave.
I think video game companies are (part) evil. Now, believe me, I'm not saying this without reason. And if you know me at all, you know that I would be the last person to trash video games (unless they betrayed us in some way, but I digress).
So do me a favor, and think back to about three months ago, December 14. All the stores were packed with Christmas shoppers, video game stores included. A month earlier up till then, video games came out. Big ones, too. Gears of War 2, Left 4 Dead, The Last Remnant, and a few other titles came out. Now, if you're one with a big friend list, and those friends liked video games, chances are, you had to buy one of those three for your friends.
Add on to that a present for your parents, siblings, other friends, significant other, etc. and so forth, and by the time Christmas comes, you're out of cash.
No big deal, right? You'll just get another job in the summer like you did last year. Oh, wait...the video game companies can't seem to wait for that, they have to release all of the big titles in January-March. Those three months are a trifecta of poverty (almost).
-January is when Christmas bills show up.
-February is when MORE Christmas bills show up.
-March is "spring cleaning" time, when it's time to buy some new shillings for the roof and/or fix that leak in the ceiling.
All the while taxes must be filled out and sent to the IRS. Now how can companies such as Square Enix and Capcom expect us to buy Star Ocean: A New Hope and Resident Evil 5 when other things (unfortunately) need our time and money?
The answer is simple: They're trying to torture us. It's the same as dangling a cooked steak in front of a starving dog. That dog's gonna do everything in his power to get it, but until it files it's taxes and gets a bath, it ain't getting that steak.
The question is...how long will that starving dog put up with the one dangling the steak in front of it's face....?
Never mind the bullocks,