wow.Screw ya self whoever thought that was a good idea.
edit: Nah its still here,just under the trophy system. It makes it look obsolete tho
wow.Screw ya self whoever thought that was a good idea.
edit: Nah its still here,just under the trophy system. It makes it look obsolete tho
Found my PSone!! Along with bunch of PSone game,Like Spyros 2! :D
Its being 10 years since i last used my PSone,so im sooo excited to play with PS1 games again.I also found the Rarest game of all. T E R R A C O N.
Basically,it came out only for Europe and was released on the same year as PS2.So yes,its a very sad Story :( Unfourtentely,i couldnt find another rare game,Kingsley's Adventure.Its Zelda for PS1,but much more cuter :) thats a shame,both games had EXCELLENT soundtrack
Last blog since 2009 :P
Great memories,im going to try put a walkthrough on Terracon,it was great.Try searching some You Tube Videos about it :D
i hate muffinz >.>
anyways,yea,i was supposed to be leaving 'n all..but...i decided to make another bloggy
yep,last blog till now..........>_>
i'l just tell you quick things about ....random...stuff
Random Faxts
2009 sucks
we are all gonna die in 2012 is an illusion
Cookies arent tastey
Mudkipz=my ass
Cats>world>you.....dont argue,its t3h truth
ppl say "lol" but they dont really laugh..they just arent fuc'kd to say anything else
Click for porn.. (i dare you too click that...go on :evil: i doubt your gonna leave that site anyways)
MSN>Y!>AIM>Gmail>any other pathetic "mail" thingz...Msn pwnz all..
SYSTEM WARZ....fanboys place....
Does any1 know SYSTEM WARS? that place is full of fanboys,here is what i learned from them:
1.MGS4=10 >>>>>>all games on 360
2.Wii does not count in SW>gameplay
4.PS3 has no games
5.2007 is the year of PS3,2008 is the year of PS3 and the 2009 is the year of PS3
teh cell pwnz all=beter games>>>>>everything on 360,WII
Stating an Oppinion is Forbidden,your gonna get moderated,so always put IMO
Wii is the best console because it has sales..and we all know we can play sales ,i mean,thats why the PS3 is last,tell me a good game,huh you cant! MGS4 is on Iphone so no AAAAE..pwnd!and none games even made it to 2 Mill's XD
FLOP games like (Ractod.......heavenly sword,Too human,HaloWars) are all BAD cant play the,they're FLOP..GS said FLOP,that means you arent gonna buy them nor play them)
Sheep are not allowed to post in SW,becuz they have the worst hardware,games,if they say something good about a game (Wii exclusive) over 80% the user is gona get quoted and be backfired...
RROD does not exists to Lemmings (360 fanbots) only to Cows and Sheeps
PS3 will never have a HAL0-3 killer because GS rated it .5 higher than any FPS games that PS3 has...GS said so=fact
when a game flops....every1 dies.....and the *insert a sony/MS/wii fanboyZ here* are gonna take over SW and say "KZ2 FLOP!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA! PWNED!!!!"
but...does life end becuz a game flopped on GS....answer is.......yes*fable 2*
yea...its so sad but true...
Fail blogz b4 d3ath r fun!!1!11one11eleven!!
just thought about making lame random crap,im gonna comment for teh last time now,think i did every1...cept......evil eucplta >.> i didnt reply back who i wanna kill,slap...or just hate :P
so'z i've nearly finished my exams,did an exam today and i think i ace'd it ^.^ !!! but...i did another one on biology..and uh...-.-
P.S the click for porn thing..its not porn.......>_>
I'L Go check all of your blogz nao...:P
probably my last entry...yes i said that b4 and yea...but.....^^^read the headline in bold
Welcome to my Gun Shop! It may be small,but it contains fair number of Pearls,and some nice guns that may interest you :happy:
NoteS on Guns:
I DONT have alot of Assualt Rifles,and dont own a signle Rocket Launchers,so if your shopping for them,dont expect a huge variety..Especially RL's.Although i have a good selection of Snipers,Pistols and Shotties
Notes on Trading
I DO NOT support duping! UNLESS your gun is extremely good.If you want to dupe with me but i refuse,dont get the attitude and spam "OH COME ON!" and hate-posting
Please make sure that your gun that your trading with me is not a mod/construct
Also,if you find out if one of my guns is modded/constructed,please tell me so i will remove it
[COLOR="Red"]Damage,Accuracy,Fire rate,mag[/COLOR][COLOR="YellowGreen"]Extras (i.e recoil,zoom,etc)
anyways,with that out of the way:
Assualt Rifles:
Genocide Avenger:361,94.6,7.7,20.+50 critical dmg,3.8 Weapon Zoom,+50 Reload Speed
Pearl Ogre:245,91.3,10.8,55.+31 magazine size,+52% Recoil Reduction,+47%Damage x4 EXPLOSION
Desert Raven:203,90.4,10.0,21. +25% Recoil Reduction
1.4 Weapon Zoom
Pearl hydra: 225x12,83.6,0.8,13. +4 Fire rate,+5 recoil Reduction,+58 Dmg,+7 Magazine size
Vitriolic CRUX: 156x7,77.1,1.0,5.3.0x Weapon Zoom.x4 CORROSIVE
WARNING: if you are a die hard naruto fan,i suggest you DO NOT READ IT
REASONS: 1.The main character (NARUTO) is a dumbass
2.Overpowered kids: Seriously,they at first are like 12 years old...and....well,really,WTF??
3.Each fight has a Flashback
4. Naruto:Noez,im liek gna loze!!1one!
Naruto:wtf,wat iz tis powa??!?!
enemy:O_O!!!WTF !?!?!
naruto: Yez!! im liek now t3h invincible
Enemy:Fux! i was winning,nao he got teh kyuubeh powa me gna insta death!!
Naruto:Roar..i win ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
Enemy:NO!! it kant be,How?!?!?!?
really,whenever naruto is about get beaten to a pulp,SOMETHING happens 'nd he always wins (*looks at kiba naruto fight)
5.ALOT of characters are MIA Shippuuden....whats the story about?hmm..naruto wants to be hokage, like and he does missions....ur....ugh,all he does is just TRAIN
7.bascally all naruto Eps are fillers
8.any strong naruto char (gaara,lee,sasuke) have ALWAYS a flashback...annoying also,they dont show gaara and temari at all >_>
i baiscally hate all the naruto universe,and like only 5 chars,lol
I was such a naruto fanboy,now,looking at naruto it looks like piece of crap (thanks bleach )
so,yea its kinda like a "hateblog" i so wish naruto,sasuke Ans sai would die already
still playing R2,amazing and addicting game....cant stop playing it xP
i wasnt very active b/c of the internet,now i have to use a diff
*sniff*.....GS is dead space
Anyways,lets start teh bloggy
Random *beep*
Hmm...i got a blog header (Yup XP i just couldnt stop watching tat chick..... aw who gives a crap XD)
anyways im starting to watch "BLEACH"and man its so awesome,bascally EVERYTHING i like is in it .After going back to watch naruto,naruto looked Childish O_o!!
i dont like bragging but...bleach ownz naruto...IMO i dout i'l ever even watch naruto again (well,part from Gaara/temari episodes...everything else what? team7 who? never heard of them XD)
Eh,ruff week,already have an Exam next week :( hopefully every1 is doing fine
now i gotta finish me homework,its like 10 pm Straight in here 0_O
GFX ^_^
Yayz!! i finally figured pretty much everything on all i gotta do is force me lazy to make sumthing....too bad i dont feel like making anything
i DLed some brushes and BS like that,but i cant figure out how do ppl make lines under their text >_>
oh yea...Gamez
Im still playing CO-OP=most addicting thing on PS3...
Also,does any1 know where can i DL the Photoshop trial thingy?
title says it all >_>
Stuff (no reason,just like Random crap)
oh and yes im back *sigh* GS at times is a dull place
well,school starts tomorrow for me >_>
i also improved with gimp,i found HELL loads of stuff ,im still testing it tho.Finally i can actually "make" stuff other than "Get a render>find a background>use crap text> finish'd". i hate doing that r.r
i got R2 ,and the game is awesome,i made a review but since no1 will care theres no point going any further XD
i think its time to track some ppl & comment on blogs (just to get "popular" just like i did wit S-T-C0 account ) since i expect only 3/2 Comments on this blog i
oh yes ,holidays are finally over,when its holidays i "always" get an insomnia (sleeping dissoreders or watever you call it )
*see what i did there?*
anyways,yea today (or was it yesterday -__-?) kristmas ,well,all ig to say that This Christmas was plain boring e.e
i didnt get R2 (70 krazy??? not worth it) i got Mortal Kombatv.s Dc universe instead, quite disappointed,so has trophies and it has batman (Batman 4eva!) and s*** like that,but plain boring... E,E
Hopefully every1 had a good Christmas...atleast better than mine o.o
P.S i still didnt touch my ds since....since my bday,and it was the 16thSept,lol,wierd still have only 2 games...launch games to exact* also,think i should become...moar popular perhaps,like i was with other accounts XD
3 reasons
1) Insomniac made it, anything they make=epic
2) tropheez!
3)my friend is coming,playing with a friend an FPS game is awesome,we played R1 together,so..i shoudnt be bored
but the problem is.....
1)i have money probs >_>
2) thanx to the f'ed up economy the game costs 70 Euros here (85 dollars somewhere,idk)
Hopefully it will be good,i doubt santa will give me R2
im so bored to say anything,so i'l update some things
1) me back
2) i' start GFXing again
3) i've done all my tests and exams ,i passed 4,failed 4....D:
4)im bored (no sh!t Sherlock)
5) Life is boring
6) nothing to do
7)im bored
8)turkey d ay eh? another meaningless day...when was it anyway?
9)Christmas is coming!!! what
Everything is so goddamn boring in my life >_____>
I wish something would interesting would happen,but No .....
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