Just curious how relevant these stats actually are. Sure PS4 has 1.5 million on the 'first to know list' vs 700k for XB1. This still could mean that there were 3 million looking for each console and PS4 only had 1.5 mil available at launch while XB1 has 2.3 million.
And don't read into those numbers too much, I just made them up for the example....
I recall reading an article awhile back that stated that XB1 will likely out sell PS4 at launch based on the simple fact the MS has access to better manufacturing capabilities, meaning they will physically have more unit available at launch then PS4 will.
Anyone know if there's any truth to this or recalling hearing anything to that effect?? Just curious.....
@Camp0potamus @Srenuka14 I'm honestly not sure why MS isn't talking up their servers more then they have been. Its well known that they have a better network then PS, they need to get that message out more I'd say. With more and more games focusing on online or going presistantly online, having a good network could be a system seller.
@Camp0potamus This is exactly why I'm siding with Xbox on this battle. Sure Sony looks better out of the gates, but online is looking like the way of the future, I'm gonna back the company that has the superior network.
And I know its a long shot, but I hope they do some cool stuff with the Kinect. At minimum I'd love to see more voice commands. I hate casting spells in Skyrm cause I always have to pause the action to selected a different spell. I dream of the day I can just yell at the TV for all my spells.
@Kooken58 @Rathavyr Ha, don't know the finances at all. But I would be curious if someone educated on the subject could provide some rough numbers on it. For a game like COD i wouldn't be surprised to see it cost in the 100s of millions - billion and years to construct.
Plus, they are a company after all, its all about profit. They are making a ton off of the game without dedicated servers, so unless they can prove that they will get a return on the server investment, its not going to happen.
If you want to call them cheap, they would be cheap in general, not towards PS4. Microsoft is supplying the servers for them to use, they are not supplying any of there own for anyone.
Personally I'd hold back before calling them cheap though, I sure the cost to build and commissioning dedicated servers for one of the biggest online games would be vastly more expensive then people are thinking!
Looks great. Just wondering, have they mentioned anything about being able to create things such as menus, world maps, player stats, weapons with stats attached, etc.
Say I wanted to make a game modeled after the original final fantasy. Would this be possible in spark? You would need to keep track of things like player exp/stats, leveling up characters, item stats, etc. Any word if something like this would be possible.
@instigator81 @A_Rabid_Dog I always thought the 4:1 was feedback from hardcore gamers via internet polls, which doesn't represent actual sales.
I'm just curious, I feel that being on the "winning side" could be helpful. The more popular the system can easily translate into more and better exclusives!
Rathavyr's comments