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E3 Monday Wrap Up

MS Conference.. as in my last blog, HUGE disappointment. Only a few games shown at the start followed by watching them tell us they have something all new and fantastic when its exactly the same as WiiFit and WiiSports. EA Conference, the best yet! FANTASTIC job EA! You showed off some stunning games that are heading our way. With trailers, gameplay footage and even live gameplay.. today it was the only thing worth watching as it showed what we are all here for.. and thats GAMES! Ubisoft.. was just more Kinetic stuff primarily.. wasn't all that impressed. Zone 3 and Laser Zone has been around for many many years now.. why bring out a couple guns and tell us its new technology when its been around for years? Are we meant to really be that stupid? Not as bad as MS Conference but it was primarily focussed towards MS's Kinetic gimmick. On the spot.. what the... seriously... i don't know what this was. All they keep showing is pointless things.. champagne room, beer room, pole dancing zombie stripper, sushi, another pole dancing stripper, gambling, another pole dancing stripper, more gambling, standing around doing nothing for 5+ mins waiting for an interview.. then asking pointless questions like "so your taking a night off tonight" and "so tomorrow your back to work".. we want to see the game, stop wasting our time with crap and show us more footage of the game. Big disappointment. The host clearly didn't want to be there with the strippers, and thats all the camera man seemed to want to look at. So far only EA seems to understand that we are watching cause we want to know about the GAMES! I should commend the host Jane.. she clearly didn't want to be there and yet did the best she good. So thankyou for trying. It didn't seem like GS was aware it was going to be more of a party party with people drinking, gambling and perving on pole dancers. It looked as though Jane was just thrown out there and had to try to find something to give us info about. There didn't seem to be any plan, just walking around asking people about the game. Great job anyway, it must not have been easy. Maybe GS needs to rethink their strategy plan for the future. Usually in the past there has been proper interviews that were pre organised.. maybe that will come tomorrow. Only time will tell.