I'm still not very excited about the revive mechanic in mp. it fit perfectly in last of us, which was a slow mp with a lot of focus on stealth. uncharted mp has always been fast-paced action, so i can see this mechanic really being annoying and slow this game down. hopefully you can suicide while downed without having to wait to bleed out.
on my 2nd playthrough now i'm both in awe and a bit disappointed. The game's linearity is kind of a bummer to me. in previous games you always had those 4 big ones to beat which meant that you can go 4 different ways (each with multiple levels and bosses) and do those in any order you like. In ds3 there's one way only, although it has some sizeable sideroutes. that being said the leveldesign is amazing, intriguing and full of secrets. In the end i would have wished for a few more bosses, though there were a few tough ones that i haven't beat solo yet (coop makes all bosses ridiculously easy but sometimes i just wanna progress ;) ). Pvp feel good so far, except for the fact that normal red invaders are having a hard time getting ganked by hosts with friends and the frequent visits of blue sentinels/darkmoon blades (i sometimes get summoned as a blue into what is already a 3 on 1, making it a ridiculously stupid 4 on 1). also i'm missing a variety in dex weapons. i got the uchigatana from the beginning of the game, and while i love it and have no problem doing my whole 1st playthrough with it, it was sad to see that i didn't find any other dex weapons that could compare to it damagewise. Because it's a weapon you basically start the game with i find that rather weird.
i loved gwent at the beginning and i was always searching for merchants who'd play for new cards but it's also very easy once you've figured out how to manipulate your opponents. you might lose once or twice in the beginning but after that there's no one that can beat you if you understand the game. unless maybe you do the tournament too early. that being sad still loads of fun, that's how mini-games should be in an massive open-world rpg.
i could never quite get into this series, i think mainly because of its art style. i played FF10 and while it was a cool and long game i absolutely hated the main character (Tidus?) and how he looked. i like rpgs that are somewhat grimmer, darker and more serious.
@smutter86: ok. well 1st of all, all starting classes that start on a higher SL than 1 also have a higher combined number of stats (no offense, but it's kinda crazy to explain this to someone who has played all souls games), so it's even and no build actually has higher stats than another if they're on the same SL (though in this version the deprived actually seems to have 1 more skill point than all other classes). The deprived has faith, intelligence and luck on 10. Those are the stats you want to have as low as possible if you don't use them. If a deprived's stats were all 7 i would totally agree with you, but since they're all 10 and there are classes that have lower stats than 10 it is just not the most efficient choice.
maybe we just have to agree to disagree here. I'm pretty convinced of my "math" as you seem of yours. anyways have fun with the game! i hope i can pick it up today.
@joejoe1639: i couldn't disagree more. quickstep was fun but also almost single-handedly ruined pvp. it was way too fast. stupid fast. from what i've heard the weapon art of daggers is the quick step move so you can still use it, just not infinitely spam it like in bloodborne (thankfully).
also it was the only unrealistic move a bloodborne character could do, which always felt odd, since all other movements are pretty realistic (apart from wielding stupidly huge weapons).
RaveNRolla's comments