@Delston: seriously though, when i saw the scimitars in the stress tests i was really afraid that all dual-wieldable weapons would be a set of 2 weapons as opposed to freely chosing which 2 weapons you want to dual-wield. I'm really glad it didn't turn out that way. I am a big fan of the powerstance in ds2.
@tom_cat_01: well it is arguably the perfect time for all those superhero movies. guys who read the comics are now in their 30s or 40s and are (like me) totally psyched that those comicbook heroes come to life in big movies with awesome special effects. They can go watch these movies with their kids, which leads to kids reading the comics again and that creates a mutual interest through different generations. On top of that getting kids to voluntarily read anything that's longer than a twitter post nowadays is quite a feat indeed.
@pnova: it's not trying to be a good classic rpg. dark souls is pretty much its own genre and its succes is based on one thing and one thing only: gameplay.
and it actually does have side quests, but other than in most rpgs, there're no npcs telling you "hey i need item X, go to point B and get it for me, i will reward you with item Y upon completion". And this is part of what attracts so many people: it doesn't explain, you don't have a list of quests, waypoints/objective markers (god i hate those sooo much!), mini-maps, detective vision or anything that other rpgs implement to make it easier for their players. It stimulates you to use your brain whereas most games nowadays are to instantly play and have fun without too much frustration.
@Gelugon_baat: shooting by leaning out of cover should be a staple in a TPS, it's sounds weird and unfinished that they didn't implement this in the game. On the other hand maybe the devs wanted to stimulate more aggressive play by use of the time powers. Kinda the same way bloodborne did with the rally-system and the lack of shields.
@Gelugon_baat: thx. shame, i liked the old "crew", including Kevin, even though he bashed some of my favourite games, i always respected that. nowadays it seems all AAA-titles get an 8 or 9 here (QB seems to be an exception), while all indie-games get a 6 or 5. now i'm exaggerating a bit, but it kinda feels this way.
and my favourite show "house of horrors" seems to be gone too...
@RaveNRolla: i must correct myself, her name is Lexine, not Maxine and i just went over her story again (here: http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Lexine_Murdoch) which convinced me even more that she should be the new main character. She's not an engineer, but her father was, so she might have learned some tricks. She herself is a grade 2 surveyor and there's a lot more stuff going on with her. You know if you played severed.
wow, last comment a year ago. dead space just came to mind again when i was wondering which really were the best games i've ever played. dead space and dead space 2 are definitely on that list. While ds3 was definitely exploring some cool new ideas (mainly free-floating in space and weapon crafting) it had so much things added that just didn't work for me:
- crafting materials that can be used for different things, which led to an overabundance of ammo and also took away one of my favourite survival-aspects of dead space, the "saving for later". In previous ds games i'd save up medkits and sell them in the store, just like ammo i didn't need, so i could buy more power nodes and upgrade my stuff. I loved that aspect of the game and they completely took it away. (on that note: you also had infinite health packs in ds3).
- dismemberment was no longer a means to give you an edge. in dead space 3 you basically have infinite ammo (by having enough of that 1 component) and you can pump every enemy full of "bullets". since this was one of the core gameplay mechanics this was kinda sad.
- Isaac was part of a team (that sadly survived the 1st few minutes of the game ;) ) and while i personally thought exploring those derelict ships at the beginning was amazing it was such an immersion-killer that someone was constantly talking to Isaac through his comm. Even worse that Isaac answered with stupid lines like "roger that, Isaac out." He's an engineer, so he knows his spaceships and he could have figured out all that stuff on his own, which would have been so much more amazing.
- Coop didn't fit into the game for me. Playing with friends or randoms just underlined how much of a standard shooter it had become. This is a game you should experience alone (or at least play alone).
- Overall Isaac felt pretty OP in ds3. This is not suitable for the survival theme the game wants to bring.
These are just a few things that should be adressed imho in case there actually will be a ds4. Now to a more positive perspective. I loved how ds3 put an end to Isaac's story (even though a lot of users seem to disagree on this). For me he died at the end of the main game and the crazy stuff that's happening in the dlc is "afterlife-stuff", much like what happens to the chapter 1 protagonist of dead space extraction (the rail shooter one), which i thought was actually really cool (what happened to him, not the game itself).
If there are plans for a ds4, i would 1st of not call it dead space 4, but something else (still with "dead space" in the title). It could have Maxine as the main protagonist, instead of Isaac. She's still alive and she appears in 2 games already. Little is known about her abilities to use guns or engineering, but i'm sure it's possible to make it believable somehow. I think the most important thing would be to make it scary again and NOT make the player overpowered. She shouldn't be particularly underpowered like say July Kidman (at least not for the whole game), but it should still be challenging.
@Gelugon_baat: do you know what happened to shaun too? and chris seems to still be here (i saw him recently in a very short clip) but not on the frontlines anymore? just asking because you seem to know the site well. Except for Danny i don't know any1 here anymore.
RaveNRolla's comments