Hmm this'll make me a hypocrite... again. I'm really not happy about the lack of creativity in the entertainment business atm. Remasters everywhere. More than half of the games i own for ps4 are remasters. To compare on the ps3 i had one remaster (re4). Of course i like to replay games i love, who doesn't? And i would totally buy this and also a remastered dead space if it would exist (it's not that i'm putting ideas into any1's head) but i'm a sucker for that. I'd much rather have new creative games. A new bioshock and a new dead space, both as new IPs with new names. Besides remasters on the ps3 did make sense because it was such a leap in terms of performance, but the difference between ps3 and ps4 is definitely not comparable to ps2 and ps3.
@lnception: yeeeeah, but why click on an article of a game you don't like? Clearly his only intention was to write that he doesn't like the game. Which of course is totally fine (not liking the game) but clicking on the article just to write that definitely has a bit of trolling-flavour :)
@Tanares: Ha, you should've read the comments here when the devs announced there wouldn't be a MP. Everybody was celebrating it like crazy, including me. A good single player game doesn't need a MP. Plus bioshock 2 already had one in case you feel like spraying some plasmids on other players.
@javalino: it does but it isn't. it's a really cool game to play with teenagers. not suitable for kids who can't argue yet and it is a hell of a lot better to play it with some 20-30 year old friends, simply because you need to reason, keep a poker-face and find reasonable arguments to accuse the others. if you and your friends are not into that that's another thing, but we do it sometimes in the summer when having a campfire and it's always amusing.
i really don't appreciate this digital version though. it's very much a game about human interaction, looking someone in the eye and estimate wether they are wolves or villagers. besides are you supposed to play this with a bunch of other people all wearing the VR? maybe via internet, otherwise it would look pretty stupid.
RaveNRolla's comments