@gagula94: a shooter for me is a game where you are supposed to solve most of the problems with a gun. it doesn't matter whether you can perform stealth kills, melee kills or non-lethal takeouts, even if you can beat the whole game without actually using your gun, as long as there's a well developed aim & shoot mechanic i call it a shooter. i would call fallout 4 a shooter too, but not e.g. witcher 3, because the crossbow is clearly not your main mechanic to "solve problems".
I understand your point about FPS having overall shorter playtimes than TPS, but why is that ok? How do FPS developers justify that i wonder? Players just seem to think it's normal.
6-10 hours is standard? The shooters i play mostly take about 20+ hours the 1st time i complete the story mode (uncharted, dead space, bioshock, last of us,..). 6-10 hours is not acceptable in any way for a full priced game, though it might be TOLERATED by players if the main focus of the game is the multiplayer (of which there are several popular examples nowadays).
13 hours is ok, no need to praise the devs for it though, since this is clearly a game focused on singleplayer experience.
arcade mode would be the only reason for me to buy this. I tried online with MK9 and i couldn't pull off any of my combos with Kitana. don't know wether it was my connection (which is usually good) or it had to do with the servers but it was no fun for me. I did enjoy the arcade mode though (even beating cheap-ass McKhan with by deflecting all of his range attacks back on him with Kratos' even cheaper golden fleece was quite enjoyable a few times) and put quite some time in it.
@Stebsis: well... resident evil 6 got bashed pretty hard. but almost all reviewers from that time don't work here anymore. don't know if it's got to do with that.
I really like the new nightmare mode. I've finished this game a year ago but this was enough reason for a revisit in the form of a complete restart. Tough early stages. While before both virals and humans could be easily disposed with the slidekick legbreak ability they take a couple of more hits to the legs now, which makes them a lot harder. The sidemission with the fakedrugs where eventually you have to kill 4 humans at a pharmacy was soooo hard. I died countless of times trying to beat them with my melee weapon (which was a waterpipe with 30 dmg at that point). Molotovs worked well enough, but i actually didn't have enough. I remember Molotovs to be very spammable before but now you get 1 Molotov from crafting (until rank 5 where you get 2). I ended up throwing some propane in the area, used 1 molotov and beat the last guy 1 on 1. But man, the time it took.
When i heard virals for the 1st time on this playthrough i ran like hell (of course with the ground/ledge L1/LB insta-finish they will get a lot easier again). I die regularly in this, mostly out of overconfidence but that's how i like it. Punishment for death is more severe in the sense that you lose more survivor points (and even more for every time you die) but it still feels rather relaxed because of the airdrops providing unlosable XP.
The difficulty feels right to me at this point (just completed pact with rais) but we'll see how it holds up against the katanas and medieval swords from the late game.
Oh and i found a bow and arrows! (haven't bought any dlcs)
@kresa3333: I think he definitely did the best with what he was given, although the story itself was rather forgettable. But trashing zombies with water pipes, wrenches and katanas with a fully manoeverable and very agile Chris Redfield must be a wet dream of lots of Resident Evil fans. I know i enjoyed it :) And after all this game shines as an OW playground and not through its story, although there were enjoyable moments.
so i understand that once a character dies he gets replaced by a undeveloped clone of himself. Does this only happen once a character dies or do u have acces to infinte characters? What i mean is basically can you have the same class twice or more in your party, or is there only one of each class at any given time?
@dexda: I know exactly what you mean and i see it the same way. Audio-comment is not necessary at all for me, but if you get informed about the game, the decisions those guys make while playing and generally explain why they do things a certain way, it's cool. I've been watching carcinogen a lot lately. I don't know if he's well known, but he makes awesome video's about oldschool resident evil games with different modes and speedruns and i definitely like when he's commenting, because he explains the way he's playing (e.g. not going out of my way to get that one gun, because i won't use it anyway, you wanna get this item 1st so you can combine it on the fly with that other item, and so on...) and he does all that with a calm, adult voice.
But, god, all those videos with extra soundeffects and people editing their faces into the clip, screaming or doing stupid noises all the time. Damn that's annoying. But like you said we're just not the targetgroup for that, those are 13 year olds indeed.
RaveNRolla's comments