Transistor, The Swapper and Infamous First Light were the only games i ever played from ps+ and they were all amazing (though the Swapper has no replayability which it didn't need either). I downloaded valiant hearts and apotheon and i think they're still on my hd but never played them.
This was a year ago. I've never seen anything interesting since then (I'm sure i missed a few months though, especially after bloodborne came out).
Timed exclusives are such BS. I understand there have to be exclusives, but timed exclusives don't make any sense? Who's gonna say "oh that game comes out over a year for xbox, so i better buy a ps4 now"? What's the advantage here? I mean I'm not gonna buy an xbox even though i wanna play tomb raider.
@RaveNRolla: sorry wrong game, i'm constantly too heavy in fallout too. It helps a little bit to know what junk you need (e.g. anything with screws and all the ducttape you can find) and ignore the rest. Still my point about the Witcher stands :D
BTW Dark Souls had overencumberment too (or was it demon's souls?) but they deleted that for ds2 (or was it ds1?).
@Harbinger_CR: Well good for you that you had that possibility. When i played the Witcher 3 there were no item boxes and everything was weighing a crapton (including materials). About the time when i finished the Witcher they were starting to fix that stuff.
@savagerodent: the only logical manner of matchmaking in this game. yes i too am very happy there will be no more soul memory. Goodbye allcasters, see you later!
RaveNRolla's comments