@Louis: it's family-friendly? i read the book when i was around 14 years and i don't remember it being that "nice". might have just been my innocent 14 year old me, but i remember Jack London books, which i read a lot when i was young, to always be pretty harsh and brutal.
it might just be that i see it as family-friendly as well nowadays. the crazy shit i've seen moviemakers and bookwriters do since i was 14 (37 now).
"They came to me and said ‘Let’s get into it. Let’s do Part 4!' And I said 'No, I think we’re done here.' And they said 'No, we’re not done but thanks for your time!’"
it's ok, this is how the movie business works. and as a horror movie fan myself i am just happy i got a good one with the first, because there are soooooooooo many bad horror movies.
these seem likely to be new characters, but since they're building their own uncharted world, separate from the games, these might just as well be Chloe and Elena and Drake just meets them earlier in his life. the latter might also be a villain?
The main problem i have with the story is that it is pretty tight in itself, so a solution will always sound far fetched. How will they ever convince the viewer what just happened (let's say for example: happy end, we beat the machines yay!) is not just another control layer of the machines? There is simply no way around it, no matter how big the ending is or the amount of pathos put in it. In the logic of the movies everything we have seen so far could theoretically just be another program.
It was a great reveal in the first movie, but at the same time it also made it impossible to actually believe anything the characters did or will do really matters.
honestly, exclusives have never been a deciding factor for me. i do like uncharted and god of war, but my favourite games are usually on all platforms (ok, except for Bloodborne i suppose). the reason i personally stick with ps is simply habit. back in the ps2 days i thought it looked nicer and slicker than an xbox and i just stuck with it through the years. i'm not a graphics or performance nerd (altough i very much am a nerd considering games).
the most important factor for bying a new console is wether there are interesting games on it. when the ps4 was released most games i anticipated throughout the following year were still released for ps3, so i waited pretty much until Bloodborne before i got the ps4. i expect sort of the same this time around, but we'll see. backwards compatability with ps4 games is obviously fantastic!!
finally let me adress you poor hardworking americans, with so little holiday that you can announce something in February for the upcoming holiday and everybody just knows that you mean the time around christmas, without saying "winterholiday" or "christmasholiday". meanwhile my next holiday is around eastern. i feel for you guys!
@aross2004: ah vanquish, the bane of my platinum collection (trophies, not the dev). it was such an awesome game, but i never managed to beat that final challenge back then. nowadays i (thankfully) do not care about that anymore, but hell yeah that was a great game.
doubtful we'll see a protagonist like that again, at least until the #metoo2 male uprising of 2045.
it's a good game, especially when its humor hits (it definitely did for me), but the pacing was very off for me. i'm usually more into gameplay-focused titles but i don't mind a good story every once in a while. this game had too much talking for me though. the first time i got to the groundbreaker i later realized i spend 4 hours there without doing anything besides talking. this naturally led to me starting to skip dialogue because i wanted more action, which really hurts a bit considering how well written most of the dialogues are. i really wanted to like it more than i eventually did.
RaveNRolla's comments