Hey y'all....how are ya?
My mom's birthday went great. she already knew what was going on, but she still acted surprised. My grandma's not really good at being sneaky so yeah. But the pizza was good and the cake was good. My Grandma even got to see Jeff Dunham's act for the first time.....hard to beleive no one's seen his act before but I guess it's possible. She loved him though. And it was the same story with my grandfather. He kept asking how old we were, he didn't believe me when I told him how old I was, nor did he believe my brother or sister too. I'm not sure how old he thought my brother was but he thought I was 17-18 and my sister was about 14.so it was a pretty good day.
I downloaded the song from the Mercenaries 2 commercial:P That song cracks me up. I could listen to it forever. My Media player even behaved long enough so I could add it to my mp3 player plus a few more songs. I even found out I had the same song on there twice but the problem is fixed now.
pathetically my arm is still sore from playing Wii Tennis. Didn't help that me and my sister were goofing around and occassionally wacking each other in ,ironically, the arm that hurts. Still even though it hurt, we managed to just look at each other and laugh.
To all who told my mom Happy Birthday, she said thank you:)
The umbrella test
When faced with adversity, you remain together and graceful.
You are very balanced, and it's hard for you to let yourself get too down.
You are brainy and philosophical. It's hard for you to lose your broad perspective on life.
You accept things as they are. You don't try to change anything that can't be changed.
On a rainy day: you should spend the day reading
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