Hey everyone. How are ya? I'm good.
I have a good feeling about this week. I only work three days which will give me time away from the dumb sh!ts that are supposed to be "co-workers". I"m so sick of the drama and the bullsh!t from 'em. ANYWAY, I only have 3 days cause I have a doctor's appointment for my diabetes this week and they gave me the wrong day off. At first I freaked out and thought "these people are morons". I thought about it in the shower and I decided that instead of fixing the problem, I'm gonna take advantage of it and just call off and take the Thursday off too. This is prolly the most brilliant mistake ever made.
I'm gonna be honest right now....I haven't been doing so well on the diabetic "taking care of myself" thing. I haven't had insulin for almost two months and I'm not exactly the healthiest eater. I'm hearing "oh it looks like you lost weight" but cause of my avoidance of any scale possible...I'd never know. If I am losing weight, it's only because I haven't had any insulin, a process call Ketosis.......not really a good thing. so yeah wish me luck and hope the doc doens't strangle me.
I wanna see the movie "Dont' Mess With The Zohan" :P it looks funny.
The Priority Test
" For you, vanity is usually your number one priority.
You don't mind having things to get done... as long as they don't pile up on you.
You have trouble giving time to any of your priorities. You life is too busy and chaotic.
You want thinking to be a high priority, but you don't take enough time for yourself."
Everything is WAY off:/
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