hey, how are ya? I'm not bad I guess. same way I've been feeling all week, cold, stuffy/runny nose......all that. But I'll be alright. I'll make it through this, I do somehow. It comes with the season, even the cold hands that'll soon turn purple. Yeah, this is how I get come fall and winter. Also the fact that I can never seem to warm up ever. But what the hell, I love fall anyway. Even if I'm always cold.
My uncle came over last night to do what him and my stepdad do every Saturday.....drink. this time he got so drunk he fell asleep on our couch during the drunk karaoke:P Eh at least it happened here then at a bar and it's better then him attempting to drive home that night. Still amusing times I guess....though I didn't sit around and watch it. I did how I spend my saturday nights, sitting in bed in front of my laptop.
Not sure if I'd done this one yet...sorry if I did
Your Power Animal: Deer
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Panda
You are a fun-seeker - an adventurous, risk-taker.
While you are spontaneous, you are not very rational.
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