hey y'all........got some great laughs watching everyone type without the E:P that was awesome.
I got my sister back the other day.....she no longer calls me dorkwad....she has joined everyone else in calling me a vampire:lol: Maybe that's why I like 'em so much:P Anyway, I was sitting here the other night and i started throwing Swedish fish at her. Yeah yeah I know....I CAN'T eat swedish fish. but I did anyway *sticks tongue out*
I'd like to be serious for a minute *tries to hold straight face and burst out laughing* no seriously........I dont watch the news and I only read the paper for the comics, but a story caught my eye on my lunch period. I'm fairly sure that we all remember the tragedy with hurricane Katrina..........welll I saw that FEMA over paid the fund for it by 483 million :shock: worse yet they're trying to get it back......I only hope that the people that deserve the money don't have to pay it back. Well most of 'em anyway...for others it's too late. A woman they had given 5000 dollars so she could get a mobile home and meds and what not now has to pay back 3800 of that money:? I couldn't find the article online but when I do I'll post it:P
QUIZ: What finger are you?
I'm the ring finger:P
You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything.
You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word.
Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world.
they definitely got me right bout being in my own world:P