Raven1983 / Member

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I don't know what I'm doing all I know is I don't wanna stop

Hey y'all....how are ya? I'm good.

I know i've told some of you about what happened with Quizno's and the missing money....well I got fired over it. yeah sucks I know....but I was told that things will be alright and it's their loss. Also they're getting screwed over too..specially when the new terminal is open. They'll more then likely still be looking for jobs while hopefully I'll have found one. so for now, The innocent lose and the scammers get to keep scamming. Gotta love the real world :roll:

So with that said, I'm finding that being pretty useless comes a bit easier then normal....now i gotta do the opposite and find a way to be useful. :/ Yesterday I got out to rent a movie, The Notebook...i was told this movie would make me bawl and I didn't shed a tear:P but it was still good. Today I'm baking brownies.....that'll be fun for about half an hour :/

How bold are you?

You Are Bold When it Counts

You don't make a big fuss about getting what you want... unless it's really important to you.
Then you're as bold as you want to be. You just go for it!

You're often up for a little excitement and adventure. Well, as long as the cost isn't too great.
You enjoy risk, but not for it's own sake. Let's just say you've learned a few lessons about risk in your life.