morning y'all........well I'm up and out of bed...don 't expect too much from me yet:P How are y'all?
I was saved from having to cook for myself....i was only gonna make mac and cheese but we don't have milk:? I guess that's good for me cause gas stoves scare me. I'm fraid of burning myself on 'em (knowing my luck I will too when I least expect it:? )and the pots are above the stove:? Open fire + pots OVER that open fire+ my klumsiness......that's a worse equation then when I drive angry (or is that one the worst?) Anyway.....yeah, well I gotta eat something soon. I only get 2 meals a day now...that's all I got time for:?
Got a $10 tip yesterday after we closed.....for giving a guy 2 bags of chips and a bowl of soup. Me and the other girl told him not to worry bout it but he still paid us anyway......Hey you don't hear me complaining....he just paid for my parking:P which for an 8 hour shift I found out would cost 30 bucks with out the discount.
Had the weirdest dream last night.....far too weird for words. began with me at thecomputer (gee where else would I be:P ) then I'm in this weird room with all these people...dunno what was going on...all I wanted to do was sleep (this dream is fitting me more andmore :? ) ended with me at one of my friends houses with their mom asking why I typed some comment and thought it was a joke......odd.
Now on to the Color test I got 100%......have fun.
EDIT: I present a challenge to y'all.......see if you can type a post without using the letter's rally quit asy ond you gt usd to it.