Hey y'all. How are ya? I'm not too bad, kinda sleepy,a stuffy/starting to be runny nose, little cold. Nothing new.
My knee is feeling weird though. It doesn't hurt, just feels like someone keeps poking it and poking it. Feels kinda funny actually:P It'll hurt later tonight though. Always does....part of it is the cold and part of it is cause I sit the same way for a long time.
I ran into someone I graduated with today....it's been a while since I did that. Somehow they recognize me first and I look nothing like I did when I was in school. At least I don't think I do. My hair was shorter then it is now, not so red, and I had contacts. Oh yeah, and different glasses. but yet somehow he looked different but kinda the same, he had the crazy looking hair, but this time it looked like he rolled out of bed and it was a little longer. It's funny how guys can pull off the "just rolled out of bed" hair $tyle and make it work. I couldn't do that, if I left the house like that people'd either laugh or run. Probably run.
[spoiler] I never wore pigtails in school half as much as I do now either :lol: [/spoiler]
Are you lucky? (I'd be surprised it this one said yes)
58% which makes you Lucky
You are lucky, but not all the time, certainly you got lucky getting a good score in this quiz
I have a question for everyone today. I just finished watching Look-A-Like, so if you could look like any celebrity, who would it be? I would wanna look like Amy Lee from Evanescence. I'm almost jealous of how pretty she is.
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