what's going on? I just took my placement test...and boy did I really suck at math. Reading and writing I didn't do too bad on. I averaged a B in reading and a C in writing, but math.....that was just pathetic. I can't actually enroll in any cl@sses though till November for the semester starting in January. So it gives me time to figure out what else I wanna take. I'm thinking business again so I might throw in a few business courses, I dunno yet.
My arms had been hurting yesterday...felt like someone punched them. Now they still hurt but now my elbow hurts for some reason too. I wish I knew why.
what pasta dish are you?
You Are Macaroni and Cheese
Compared to most people, you are quite playful. You are a big kid at heart.
It doesn't take much to make you happy. You live for simple, happy moments.
You are very content. You don't try to make life overly complicated.
You remain thankful for whatever you have. Even if it isn't much, you make the best of things.