Hey how are y'all? I"m good. Just sitting here with the preview guide on nwo till my show comes on and they have all these dogs dressed up in costume. it's kinda cute and weird. The weather here is being weird too, it's cold and rainy but yet the sun is still peeking out a littl bit.
I saw one lady walking around wearing an outfit that loooked like something my sister had worn for halloween when she was just an infant. It took so much for me not to laugh. I mean seriously, what adult would walk around wearing a bright orange hat with a jack-o-lantern face on it? Yeah it's cute on a child but eh to each their own I guess. Ya know I have rain so I don't really care, I'm happy and if others feel like walking around like that well, whatever.
Your secret fantasy
Your secret fantasy is to recieve a lap dance from someone in a gorrila costume.
:lol: wow, that's quite a fantasy
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