Hey y'all. no song again.....This is what I say when my alarm goes off in the morning and if I stay in bed any longer I actually will go back to sleep. Actually it's one of a few things said upon waking up....usually it's "Is it Saturday yet?"and in most cases, sadly, it isn't. I'm just glad most of the people around my house are gone when I wake up...THat means no one will try and talk to me then get mad when I don't respond or I do and they don't hear me.
Bandit is getting bigger and fluffier:P He's still an ankle biter though. Specially in the mornng so we all have to be careful if we're not wearing socks. I have jeans that are frayed at the bottoms so he's always going after the loose strings on them:P The other dogs still don't like him though. oh well they'll get over it. Baxter gets so jealous you have to pet him first before you go to Bandit and we cant' let them both out at the same time:/ I still miss our greyhound though....no other dog can ever replace him.
It's still said that all 3 dogs still have our personalities:
Baxter is like my sister......always has to be in control. Bandit is actually more like my brother (Spot used to be like him) only the reason is this time he doesn't stop when told to......oh yeah so like him. Priscilla is said to be like me......Snooty and stuff like that. which i think is far from me, She's more like my stepdad. He can't say one thing unless it's somethign smartassed or mean. I hate it too....I seriously just wanna tell him to grow up.
I love this one
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