I hate the news:| hence why I never watch it...but the rest fof my family does. and of course it's on right now. So far I've seen 2 deaths (phli Rizutto and Bryan "crusher" adams), a ton of toy recalls and playground equipment spontaneously combusting. Oh yeah and one bout some judge that let an illegal immigrant back out on the streets. (not only was he illegal but he has a ton of charges against him). I dunno bout the world anymore......makes me glad I live in my own world sometimes.
As well as seeing the news, tons of stupid commercials:| (can ya tell my morning is off to a great start?;:|)
LOL guess that's all I got for now:P
do you want to be a vampite?
"awsome you want to a vampire like me"
(not the greatest quiz I know but I can't find too many vampire quizzes:? )