Been an amusing few days at work. One thing is something going on between my friend and this other girl that no one really likes. They can't work together and I have to be the one that keeps 'em seperated :| How the hell I got that job I'll never know. One day though they were told that they had to be at the same Quizno's and they have to learn how to work together wether they want to or not. I feel bad for my friend but I agree with that as well.
Then there's another girl who is trying to teach me how to dance.....and I mean the full on booty shaking, arms up in the air, wave 'em like you dont' care dancing. None of this white girl Charlie Brown dancing...which is pretty much all I know. It's interesting really..I try it anyway though I look like an idiot but no one seems to care or find me hopeless and we all get a good laugh out of it. She's still trying I guess I'm not completely hopeless. Despite one of the guys there telling me I'd be better offf holding the wall up:P which I'm already good at. I'm slowly getting some of these dances...they're "old school" as the girl calls it.
The Ice Cream Personality Test
" You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.
You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible.
You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.
You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask.
You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way"