hey, it's just me.
Not much going on here. Still working and all that stuff. The job was finally kind enough to hire 2 more people so now I get a break....I hope. Today is actually prolly my only real day off. Yeah I got called of on THursday but I was already awake so it doesn't really count. Crazy week.....and slightly annoying, don't ask.....
Spent most of my weekend watching the Harry Potter marathon. it ends today with Goblet Of Fire so yeah I'll be watching that.
Hope eveyone had a good fourth of july. Mine was fun though the fireworks were a bit lame. They scared the dogs like they do every year and I even ended up with all 3 of 'em cowering on my lap at one point. My sister's dog absolutely wouldn't calm down until I put him on my bed and he just stayed there all day, but whatever keeps him happy and calm. Poor little scared doggy. He was later scared again a few days later when someone shot off 2 bottlerockets.
Now I got family from FLorida,Pennsylvania, and North Carolina here and here I am sitting inside being anti-social. why? cause I have nothing in common with any of 'em. They're all around my parents age or older. What am I supposed to talk about with them? well my cousin and her husband are closer to my age but still, I don't have anything in common with them either. It's not like they even noticed I'm outside or inside anyway, they didn't even notice whenI walked in the door yesterday.
I'd also been hiding out online as well....for no reason in particular. Just though I'd take some me time and I thought it'd be a nice way to finish an odd week.
so I guess that's about it........till next time. Peace out y'all