Hey y'all.....what's going on?
got another celeb siting....Delicious from Flavor of Love. Ya I know...I never heard of her...I never saw the show. LOL anyway, still keeping an eye out and what not for some more good ones.
Mgr at work today was hilarious. I being the kind decent person I try to be 'fessed up for doing something wrong *gasp* Anyway...she looks at me and says she's gonna beat me. I looked at her, smiled and shrugged and said "ok" :P SWhe then decided not just cause I said that:lol:
For those of you that I have on Gaia that come here as well......my old account got hacked YAY (sarcasm). Anyway, so I'm no longer Beautifullychaotic...well not there anyway. I'm A-disastrous-nightmare. LOL, so yeah....if I didn't add ya back...well here I am again. funny thing is ya think I'd be p!ssed.....well I was about losing this one item but my friend said he'd send me another one. but I found it rather funny that someone would hack me.
No worries though....I went through all the sites I go through and changed the password so they're far more complicated and yes they're all different....even here.
this is pretty cool
You Are
An Angry Pumpkin Face
You would make a good smashed pumpkin.
this is only because I have to work on halloween :lol: