eh I wasn't gonna write a new blog today, but I thought what the h3ll? I don't have anything to do today.
I was gonna walk to the bank today to cash what could be the last of my much needed unemployment. Well I got about 5 minutes into it, when I heard the crack of thunder. Well there went that trip, I ended up doing what I hadn't wanted to do in the first place, ask for a ride. Figures as soon as I do that it stops raining. I really didn't mind walking in the rain, it was the thunder that stopped me, I'm not to crazy about getting electrocuted.
So with that, an update on my car. It's gonna cost $1,700 to fix :/ YAY:/ :/ They DO have to rebuild the transmission (which is not what they told me) and fix a leaking gasket. so with that said I was lectured on how not to be so rough with my car and stupid sh!t like getting regular oil checks. Hopefully I'll have my car back in a few days, not that I'll have anywhere to go anyway. I don't have a job, I'm not getting any money in, I probably can't even afford a fu**ing new battery for my phone and that's most likely the cheapest thing I can get. I'm not gonna even bother asking how much it cost.
So yeah, today's gonna be just lovely :roll:
Should you live in a red state or blue state?
" You Should Live in a Purple State
Your preferences are 50% Blue, 50% Red
You may not be a swing voter, but you feel comfortable around moderate people.
You tend to do best in states with a red and blue mix - like Nevada and North Carolina.
You are adaptable. You can converse with a church crowd as easily as with grad students."
Purple works for me.
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