Hey y'all How are you? I'm good. i'm sitting here being lazy like I have been for three weeks now. But I got a call from my old boss this morning...Told me of a coffee shop in the Macnamera terminal that's short handed. He even gave me a number and told me of who I can talk to about getting a job. So I see this guy called Big Mo ( :P ) tomorrow morning.
So I'm gonna spend the rest of my day doing nothing. It'll get boring later on around 7 pm but oh well. I'll find something to do. I've been playing mini golf at this one site:P I'm getting better at it and it makes me wanna actually go mini golfing:lol: I've also been playing alot of Free Cell...and I'm getting better at that too.
Past, Present, or Future
You Live in the Present
You take things one day at a time.
And it turns out, that's a pretty great way to live.
You aren't consumed by the past, and you're aren't obsessed with the future.
You live in the now, and you enjoy each moment.
While most people don't live in the present enough, make sure you don't live in it too much.
It would be a mistake to forget your past or neglect to plan for the future.
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