Hey, how are y'all? I'm good. My voice is going again. It's been doing that on and off all week but add the start of a sore throat today. oh well, it'lll be gone tomorrow.
I keep driving by this new resteruant down the road. It's called a Japanese Steakhouse, it's a weird concept to me. When I think steakhouse I think pounds and pounds of steak and ribs....I've never really applied it to being japanese. ah well, anything is possible I guess.
I found a game I've really gotten addicted to. I played it so long last night I couldn't see straight or stop playing either. it's a game called Jewel Quest. It's fun,I was thinking of downloading the free trial but I dunno yet when I can play just fine on the site. my mom kept asking me to do somethng for her in the middle of it though:P and I can't pause it or stop cause it's timed.
The autumn quiz
You are a dynamic, vibrant person. You aren't afraid to pursue your passions.
When you're happiest, you are outgoing and expressive . You love celebrations, and you enjoy showing off a little.
You tend to be afraid of change. You are never ready for things to be different.
You find solitude to be the most comforting thing in the world. Being alone with your thoughts feels very peaceful.
Your ideal day is spent in contemplation. You enjoy a quiet day where you can take time to think and day dream.
You tend to live in the moment. You enjoy whatever is going on, and you don't obsess over the past or future.
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