Hey y'all. how is everyone today? I'm alright so far.
Went to this warehouse kinda club thing Saturday night....my sister wanted to go so I'd figure I'd check it out too. We ended up leaving about two hours later. The music was good but I was bored. Within the first half hour there, some idiots start a mosh pit and I get kicked in the ankle though....I'm alright though, I was still able to walk the next day. I found out it was a good thing we left when we did too (ah the perks of being the driver, we leave when I wanna leave) cause shortly after a few fights broke out and they had to call the police. They Maced a lot of people and a lot of others including my sister's friend were hospitalized. When I heard that I didn't feel like such a party pooper anymore. I felt as though I made a good call.
I found out that that was the second time this month that the police had to be called to to break up a fight and so much mace was used people thought it was coming from the ceiling. I haVe no plans of going back there.....and my sister is no longer allowed to go there either. but amazingly she understands why.
I took my laptop to Best Buy today to see if Geek Squad can help me with the cord/plug problem. and they can't....they gave me a Dell hot line number and I may have to give up without my computer for a little bit. Not too long i hope. I should get on calling'em :/ I just don't wanna give up my laptop...I don't have a back up so I'd go crazy without it. What a dilemma :|
What color is your mind
My mind is purple (yay, my favorite color). Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.