Hey Everyone. How are y'all today? just a typical summer vacation day here. Everyone is home and my brother is being a pain in the a$$ as usual. My sister is in our room, and my parents are just around. I miss a quiet house already :/
But we just got a thunderstorm earlier ( YAY) unfortunately it stopped. While it was going though, I was out and about occassionally having to walk through the down pour giving my self a shower after I just took one before I left :lol: As I watched everyone try and scramble out of the rain, I couldn't help but think how weird people are for being afraid of getting a little wet. Ok so I got drenched but still my point stands. A little rain never hurt anyone and yeah I'm slowly drying off. I don't care though...if it starts raining again I'm gonna go out and stand in that lightning or not. I'm weird like that...Oh well *shrugs*
Mean while my mom continues to tell me I need smaller jeans. The last pair she said this too were 3 sizes too big. Today it's only one size too big and still falling past my hips. I just wear a long enough shirt to cover my underwear:P I looked at her and said I need money befor I can buy new pants. What am I gonna do? Steal 'em? Yeah right!!!!!
I dunno if y'all remember the thing I mentioned about the Wheelchair Coordinator job but I talked to my friend that told me about it.....well it might be a pointless thing to continue to go after now. He's not sure if he'll have a job by the time the terminal closes either. We were talkign about what we were gonna do...and I honestly don't have a back up plan and the stupid place is closing in 87 days....well September 17th is the predicted day. But we'll see I guess.
http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyoursummerlove$tylequiz (sorry folks, gotta copy and paste today, d@mn censorship is being a b!tch :roll: )
" While others may be into a summer fling, you're about the real thing.
And there's a good chance you're already serious with someone already.
For you, the summer is about getting closer and more committed.
Just don't get tempted by any of that hot weather eye candy!"
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