'ey y'all.
How are you this cool Monday? (almost called it Saturday LOL) anyway yeah....been up for about an hour now and just finished wanderig around the kitchen looking for something to eat....hmm hooray for ramen noodles.
My internet went out on me last night...well about 4 am:? Irrritated me so bad, I just went to bed. nothing else I could do really.
I was sitting at work yesterday.....alll day really, got a slow station...so slow I started dozing off about 7:30 while at work:P Anyway befre I dozed, was reading this magazine with all these cool facts about Friday the 13th. To me it's just another day and I don't beleive in bad luck but I still found it amusing.
1. Fear of Friday the 13th is called "Paraskavedekatriaphobia".
2. Friday the 13th occurs at least one time every year.
3. In 2009, Friday the 13th will occur three times.
4. More then 17 million americans beleive Friday the 13th is dangerous.
5. Fidel Castro and The Olsen Twins were born on Friday the 13th (hmm, I knew there was something evil about these two......cant' stand 'em *gag*)
6. The 13th book of the Lemony Snicket series was released on Friday the 13th.
7. The Friday the 13th film franchises earned more then $353 million worldwide.
8. US business attribute up to $900 million in Annual Revenue Loss to Friday the 13th cause people avoid travel and normal business.
9. Financier Thomas W. Lawson popularized the superstition when he published a novel"Friday the 13th" in 1907.
10. Rumor has it that King Phillip IV ordered the murders of the knights of Templar members on Friday the 13th leading to the disbandment of the group.
11. 95% of seniors polled at seven midwestern colleges thought Friday the 13th " always brings bad luck"
12. On October 12, 1939, the town of French Lick Indiana ordered residents to put bells on their black cats to warn pedestrians of the following day.
13. Black Sabbath released their self titled debut album in the UK on Friday Feb. 13, 1970.
What kind of monster are you?
You Are a Zombie
You're a pretty apathetic person, and you often feel like you're sleep walking through life.
You don't necessarily have a case of the "blues", but you do have a case of the "blahs."
It's hard for you to snap out of your boring every day routine. You're a bit burned out.
The only thing you crave is the company of others. But you're not too nice to the people who do hang around you.
Your greatest power: Your lack of a normal conscience
Your greatest weakness: Your lack of most emotions
You play well with: Aliens
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