Raven1983 / Member

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hey, what's up? nothing too exciting here.

Went to NY back in August and had a blast. We went on a dinner cruise and to the falls and hung around Red's house. That's alwyas that week that seems to go by too fast and the week I never wanna go home. Even my mom lightened up this year on the texting while I wasn't home. She worries. yeah yeah I know. Can't wait to go back :)

Gettign over a cold too. It's slowly going away. YAY. The first few days sucked....it felt like I got kicked in the ribs by someone wearing steel toe boots and I didnt' leave the house for two days. (okay, so that's part of why, the other part is cause of my laziness).

and prolly my laast thought for a while. I got fired last week. For 2 spots on the toilet that you had to stick your head in the toilet tosee. SOOOoo yeah. I'm back at the beginning. yes I was slightly p!ssed in the beginnning, but I'm slowly getting over the thought of wanting to blow the hotel up and yes I still sorta wanna do it. I didn't even get a second chance and I got fired before my sister's slow friend.....WTF??? right? anyway, no need to worry, I'll bounce back somehow. Im used to being broke anyway.

actually this is my last thought. I'm sure y'all remember how long my hair was. I cut it. I wanted something new and shorter. I dontated waht they cut of to Children With Hairloss (that was my good deed for the day). I got it cut shoulder length...if ya wanna see it. here ya go


hope ya like it. I can still pull it back up in braided pigtails so I'm happy :P

yeah that's it....I'm out again. byeeeee!!!!!!