Raven1983 / Member

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You know that you won't be away too long. You know that I'm not that strong....

'ello everyone. How are you? I'm sleepy, exhausted, my feet hurt....but I'm not gonna bore you with all that.

It's defiitely been amusing so far....I haven't slept too much all week (Story of my life) including last night where I stayed up so late I couldn't even spell properly. I was told by 3 people to go to bed and I still stayed up till about 3:30 while dozing off and on for a few hours before that. And when waking up for the last three mornings I've been falling asleep in the shower.

Work has been insanely roasting.......I hate not having an air conditioned job sometimes, I felt like I was gonna pass out today just being there. and I've been drinking a lot of water too *gasp* (don't let my family know that though, they'd be too happy). Still looking for that other job...sadly no luck yet. but I'm not giving up yet.

What kind of music are you?

" You are friendly, down to earth, and fairly conservative.
You are true to your friends and your upbringing. Change is hard for you.
But beneath your old fashioned attitude, you are expressive and artistic in your own way.
Very few people can express pain and pleasure as eloquently as you can."